VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Project Assistant(s)

PYXERA Global, a nonprofit based in Washington, DC, will be implementing an international corporate volunteer program in Hanoi, Vietnam. The program is scheduled to take place from April 11 to March 9, 2020 and PYXERA Global is seeking a junior part-time project assistant currently residing in Hanoi to provide interpretation/program support services for the team of corporate volunteers staying in Hanoi.

The selected Project Assistant(s) main responsibilities will include, but may not be limited to, the following:


  • Available to the corporate volunteers while they are in Hanoi during regular working hours (i.e. 8 hours per day), Monday-Friday
  • Provide sequential interpretation or written translation (both ways; English-Vietnamese-English)
  • Conduct research of documents to help the team find key information that meet the goals of the project
  • Participate in meetings and interviews with project stakeholders who do not speak English to provide sequential translation, as needed
  • Support the team in preparing final PowerPoint presentations and other supporting deliverables in Vietnamese, as appropriate


  • Ability to work with cross-cultural teams
  • Experience with translating documents and providing sequential interpretation
  • Strong organizational, facilitation, and communication skills
  • Reliability and time-flexibility
  • Degree in Interpretation/Translation Studies


To apply, please send the following documents to [email protected] by February 29, 2020:

  • Resume in English
  • Cover letter in English
  • 3 Writing Samples

The email title should state, “Project Assistant, Hanoi, Vietnam”.


Short-listed applicants will be interviewed via Skype or in-person in Hanoi.

Compensation will be a fixed price contract of $500 USD plus $100 stipend (meals and transportation) for up to 4 weeks.

Organization: PYXERA Global
Location: Hanoi
Application deadline: 2020-02-29
Send application to: [email protected]