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Consultancy Service for Design, Illustration & Layout Training Documents for “Spice for Equality” Project



Design, Illustration & Layout Training documents for “Spice for Equality” Project

Project title:  Spice for Equality

Location: Hanoi

Duration:  1st to 15th March 2020

1.    Background

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) is a non-profit, international development organisation founded 53 years ago, and now operating in 28 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors use their expertise in three sectors – Agriculture, Renewable Energy and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – as well as the cross-cutting topics of gender, climate change and youth employment to contribute to solving some of the leading problems facing the world today. We work with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.

SNV has been working in Vietnam since 1995, and currently has over 30 national and international staff. SNV Vietnam operates from a head office in Hanoi and projects in over 50 provinces in the country, including in the poorest and most remote areas.

The “Market development and competitiveness enhancement for cinnamon products to promote women's economic empowerment in Lao Cai province project” – or “Spice for Equality” for short – is a program being implemented by The Netherlands Development Organization SNV in partnership with Agricultural Extension and Services Center of Lao Cai province (AESC). The project funded by an Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

The project strong focus on gender transformation, which will address barriers to women’s participation cinnamon value-chains, and better support women’s genuine economic empowerment. It will link women producers and entrepreneurs with each other to increase opportunities for women’s collective action and will strengthen links between women and other value-chain actors to create opportunities for women’s economic participation. In this way, “Spice for Equality” adds value to existing interventions with the targeted populations (in Bac Ha and Van Ban districts) by promoting a gendered value chain approach that is specifically designed to focus on improving the skills and enabling environment for ethnic minority women – one of the most economically marginalized groups in the country. By working to overcome these gender-based barriers to social and economic development, “Spice for Equality” will contribute to overall poverty reduction and the promotion of gender equality in Lao Cai province.

SNV is currently developing a set of group leadership skills books (including two documents) for enhancing the capacity of the farmer group leaders in Lao Cai. So far, text of the documents has been completed, and the documents still need to be completed with illustrations, layout and designs to print and distribute to the team leaders.

SNV is looking for a qualified consultant to work with SNV to implement illustration & layout for the two documents in accordance with terms and requirements as detailed below.

2.    Consultancy description

2.1. Objectives

Consultant will illustrate, design and layout 02 project documents which are required attractively, aesthetically and suitably with custom and cultural of ethnic minorities in Lao Cai especially Dao, Tay and H’Mong people.

  • Women Empowerment guidebook: This document will be the guidance & tools for facilitators and group leaders to apply in gender balance improvement in group activities. This document is about 80 pages and required about 40 illustrations in total (final document with cover page and illustrations).
  • Group leadership skills document: This document will be the guidance for group leaders in particularly and for group members in generally, to have the knowledge about concept, regulations, operation & management skills in group activities especially in cinnamon planting group. This document is about 70 pages and required about 30 illustrations in total (final document with cover page and illustrations).

2.2. Scope of work 

Key activities responsible of consultant

Illustrate, design and layout: this will involve two-way communication of the consultant and SNV to catch the idea and findings based on the text. The illustration will be cartoon style. The illustration, design and layout are the full responsibility of the consultant but will be a participatory process in which SNV will be consulted.

*Note: SNV will be responsible for the below activities:

  • Provide the draft text of documents and share with consultant information and initial idea about all parts of the documents for development of pictures (illustration), layout and design.

2.3. Deliverables and outputs

Full set of 02 documents with illustration and well designed

2.4. Timeline

From 1st to 15th March 2020.

2.5. Consultant qualifications

The consultant (individual or firm) should meet the following requirements:

  • Having experience in Design, Illustration and Layout of extension materials for NGOs and/or agricultural sub-sector is an asset;
  • Being able to deliver the committed outputs on time;
  • With good understanding on gender equality and women empowerment;
  • Having experiences on designing & illustrating book for ethnic minorities, especially Dao, Tay, H’mong people is an advantage;

3. Remuneration

A lump-sum to cover fee, as appropriate, will be paid upon satisfactory completion of the assignment.

Remuneration will be subject to the qualification of the consultant and to agreement on services provided by the consultant in relation to the SNV’s financial regulation.

The contract will be in form of lump sum with the proposed total budget covering consultancy fee, VAT/PIT tax.

6. How to apply

Interested consultants/ firms are requested to submit interest letter with profile/CV and proposed rate to the link by 17h00 pm on 24th February 2020.

Vietnamese version of the ToR can be found in the file attached.

Organization: SNV
Application deadline: 2020-02-24
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