VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Clinical Manager


Clinical Manager


Closing date of application period: 20 March 2020

Start date: As soon as possible

Full time position: 100% FTE

Duration of contract: 1 year (extension to be based on performance and availability of funds)

Location: Ho Chi Minh City

Travel requirements: Frequent travel throughout HCMC; infrequent travel for knowledge sharing and training within Viet Nam


Friends for International Tuberculosis Relief (FIT) is a registered non-profit organization working in the field of tuberculosis (TB) prevention and care, service delivery, research, technical assistance and advocacy. FIT is a young, dynamic and growing organization. FIT now has over 30 office-based staff working across five cities in Viet Nam. We work in close collaboration with Provincial and National TB Programmes and other in-country partners to implement projects funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, the Stop TB Partnership’s TB REACH initiative, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UNITAID and Johnson & Johnson. We have also have multiple active research partnerships, including with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the UK, the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, the KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation in the Netherlands, and Ceres Nanosciences and SureAdhere Mobile Technology in the United States. FIT staff have supported the implementation of other TB programs in South and Southeast Asia, and represented Viet Nam at multiple regional and international forums on TB technical assistance. Finally, FIT was chosen to represent civil society organizations from Viet Nam at regional events and at multiple events in the lead up to and during the United Nations High Level Meeting on TB in New York City.

In collaboration with the National TB Control Program (NTP), FIT is helping to build a comprehensive Search-Treat-Prevent TB program across three cities in Viet Nam (Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong and Hoi An). In the short term, we are aiming to 1) increase TB detection and treatment in key populations, such as household contacts, children and people visiting private healthcare providers; 2) provide social support and adherence monitoring options to improve TB treatment outcomes; and 3) scale up TB infection screening and treatment services. We hope these efforts will lead to declines in Viet Nam’s TB burden over the medium and long term.

Our organization is growing quickly and we are searching for a highly qualified clinician who is familiar with the highest quality TB treatment practices and can work across multiple projects to improve our technical capacity and support the implementation of our work. This position will require the Clinical Manager to assist with several projects and ensure that NTP guidelines are met and SOPs are properly followed. We are searching for an excellent communicator, who can maintain strong relationships with government staff while training, mentoring and motivating staff. For additional information please refer to our website:


Establish and manage national hotline for TB

  • Investigate call center companies that provide hotline services;
  • Follow organizational procurement policy to select company to provide hotline services;
  • Develop materials with information about how queries should be answered by the call center, including information on TB side effect management, TB treatment adherence, FIT’s programs and regions of coverage, public-sector and private-sector care TB care, etc.;
  • Directly answer any queries from the hotline that the call center was unable to answer;
  • Manage FIT’s relationship with the hotline service and ensure that quality service is maintained;
  • Review recorded phone calls from the call center to verify accuracy of information and the completeness of the response;
  • Conduct quality assurance processes for the hotline;
  • Promote use of the hotline;
  • Produce monthly reports on the volume of calls and the types of queries.

Support for FIT’s social support program

  • Conduct training on side effect management for FIT’s non-clinical staff;
  • Provide clinical counselling for patients enrolled on social support;
  • Assist with the development of packages of differentiated care for TB patients based on risk factors for loss to follow-up and the risk of catastrophic costs incurrence;
  • Assist with developing clinically accurate educational materials for people with TB and their families;
  • Field test materials and edit materials based on feedback;
  • Assist with the development of protocols and SOPs.

MDR-TB program support

  • Become technically competent in the programmatic management of drug-resistant TB (PMDT) and the implementation of new TB drugs such as bedaquiline and delamanid;
  • Develop training materials and presentations on use of new drugs;
  • Support the implementation of the endTB-Q clinical trial by periodically reviewing the program’s adherence to project SOPs and data quality;
  • Conduct baseline assessments for enrollment of MDR-TB patients in the clinical trial;
  • Facilitate patient costs surveys among people with MDR-TB.

Support for private-sector engagement

  • Develop training materials for private-sector doctors about NTP treatment guidelines in the private sector;
  • Assist the M&E team with data verification of TB notifications in the private sector;
  • Provide additional information to people who have abnormal chest X-ray results but do not know where to seek appropriate treatment in the private sector;
  • Manage Viber/Zalo group of private providers who treat TB in the private sector and are looking for clinical advice and additional information on policy and guidelines.


  • Communicate with FIT Directors and Managers about procurement needs;
  • Other activities requested by FIT Directors.


  • Medical doctor with at least 5 years of clinical experience treating TB
  • At least five years combined experience in project implementation and management
  • Experience conducting training is strongly preferred
  • Excellent working knowledge of written and spoken English
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Strong computer skills, including familiarity and comfort with using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and computer-based communications
  • Attention to detail
  • Leadership skills, good attitude, self-motivated, and ability to work well individually as well as in teams
  • Highly motivated, willing to learn, service-oriented and able to work under high pressure and within a limited time frame
  • Willing to engage with private providers at their convenience, which may be outside of normal working hours


  • A cover letter written in English
  • An up-to-date, detailed Curriculum Vitae
  • At least two employment references (Name, Phone Number, and Email Address)


  • By e-mail to [email protected]
  • Subject: “Application for Clinical Manager HCMC”
  • No later than 20 March 2020

Compensation and the final position grade will be commensurate with experience. Full benefits will be included in the compensation package. All applications will be carefully considered, but only short-listed applicants will be contacted and interviewed. If you do not hear from us within 21 days of the closing date, this will mean that your application has been unsuccessful.

FIT is an equal opportunity employer.

Organization: FIT
Location: Ho Chi Minh
Application deadline: 2020-03-20
Send application to: [email protected]