Call for Resumes – Chief of Party
DAI works at the cutting edge of international development, combining technical excellence, professional project management, and exceptional customer service to solve our clients’ most complex problems. Since 1970, DAI has worked in 150 developing and transition countries, providing comprehensive development solutions in areas including crisis mitigation and stability operations, democratic governance and public sector management, agriculture and agribusiness, private sector development and financial services, economics and trade, digital and technological solutions, health, water and natural resources management, and energy and climate change. Clients include international development agencies, international lending institutions, private corporations and philanthropies, and host-country governments.
DAI is currently recruiting candidates for an anticipated USAID/ Vietnam Improving Private Sector Competitiveness project. This project seeks to increase the competitiveness of small and growing businesses (SGBs) of sizes up to 500 employees, including those led by women and ethnic minorities. Through technical assistance, training, and information exchange, the Improving Private Sector Competitiveness project will: (i) strengthen foundational business management skills of SGB managers and owners, (ii) encourage the adoption of productivity-enhancing technology of SGBs, (iii) facilitate business-to-business networking for business opportunities and policy advocacy, and (iv) support national and provincial governments to implement policy reforms conducive to inclusive private sector growth and competitiveness.
The COP will be responsible the following:
Please send your CV and letter of interest to [email protected] by March 13th, 2020. Please specify COP as the position for which you are applying in the subject line. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.