Terms of Reference and Call for Applications
TWO Consultants to conduct research on Best-Available-Techniques
Title: TWO Consultant(s) to conduct research on Best-Available -Techniques
Time frame: 4/2020-12/2020
Requirement: A (01) Senior Expert (Vietnamese national)
A (01) Junior Researcher (Vietnamese national)
Location: Hanoi and other provinces (if necessary and if situation allows)
The Hanns Seidel Foundation is a political foundation with its headquarters in Munich (Germany). “In the service of democracy, peace and development” – this motto is present in the work and mission of the Hanns Seidel Foundation. This motto applies both to its activities in Germany and abroad. Since 1995, HSF had supported the integration of Vietnam into the global political spectrum and the ASEAN-Community. Since the establishment of a representative office in 2011, HSF has focused its work in Vietnam on social and environmental policies for sustainable development.
HSF has agreed to support the Department of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the context of conducting research on Best-Available-Techniques: applicability in Vietnam and approach for the revised Law on Environment Protection.
Currently the Law on Environmental Protection (LEP) of 2014 is undergoing a revision process with the first draft published in December 2019 by MoNRE to seek inputs and comments from various stakeholders and society. One of the innovative additions to the revised LEP is the application of a Best-Available-Techniques (BAT) approach. As BAT is a new approach in Vietnam, MoNRE and HSF have agreed to jointly identify TWO suitable Consultants to conduct research focusing on the following objective(s) and with the following deliverables.
Through, this ToR TWO Consultants are to be identified: ONE Senior Expert and ONE Junior Researcher.
The Consultants will conduct research on international experiences on BAT, its applicability in Vietnam and will propose a suitable BAT approach for the revised Law on Environmental Protection 2020 as well as an application roadmap for the time period after the the law has been adopted.
Part 2: BAT applicability in Vietnam
Part 3: Policy recommendations
In close direction and coordination with the Department for Legal Affairs, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Consultants will execute the following tasks:
Milestone | Deadline | Payment |
1st draft of Part 1 | Not later than 15.05.2020 | TBD |
1st draft of Part 2 & Part 3 | Not later than 30.06.2020 | TBD |
Consultation Workshop hosted by MoNRE | TBD with MoNRE |
Final draft of the Report | Not later than 10.08.2020 | TBD |
(a) Senior Expert
(b) Junior researcher
Individual applications are possible but combined applications (Senior Expert & Junior Researcher) are encouraged.
Language: English
Format: PDF
5. How to apply
Interested consultants are kindly requested to send the application documents to Ms Trang Nguyen (trang@hss.de) and clearly indicate subject: “Ref: Consultancy to conduct BAT research”. Please also direct potential questions to this email address.
Deadline for submission is 15 May 2020 at 5pm Hanoi time