Technical Consultant for Case Control Study
Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Greater Mekong Subregion Elimination of Malaria through Surveillance (GEMS+) program to support national and regional initiatives towards malaria elimination. The program aims to increase capacity of the private sector in malaria service provision, malaria case management, and malaria case reporting to strengthen malaria surveillance systems and accelerate progress towards national malaria elimination goals within each of the four countries.
In elimination settings, programs may routinely collect information on potential risk factors through investigation of malaria cases identified at health facilities. Alongside demographic information, these data can be used to target surveillance efforts to specific individuals and groups at higher risk of malaria and inform more effective active intervention strategies.
A case-control study will be carried out in Vietnam to profile risk factors for symptomatic malaria. Existing efforts to fill knowledge gaps in individual risk for malaria focus on delineating activities at the forest edge and within the forest/across borders, as well as differentiating risk factors by forest/cross-border travel vs domestic behavioral exposures. The risk factors that will be examined in this study will include some general occupational characteristics i.e. forest exposures (types of activities and seasonality), cross-border (types of activities, travel networks and seasonality) and overnight travel, as well as some known risk factors related to socioeconomic status, preventive & treatment-seeking behaviors and domestic activities.
The technical consultant will report to PSI/V Researcher and work closely with PSI/V Program team to complete the below scope of work.
No | Key Responsibility | Estimated days (up to) |
1 | Revise, edit the study design and develop training materials for providers with PSI/V Researcher | 03 days |
2 | Identify and select providers (according to attached study design) from public health facilities i.e. commune health centers and district/provincial hospitals from two project provinces (Gia Lai and Daklak) to participate in the study | 02 days |
3 | Facilitate participation form public sector providers in the study | 02 days |
4 | Lead 2 one-full-day trainings in Gia Lai and Daklak with support from PSI/V Researcher including travel time | 04 days |
5 | Provide distant support (check-in call/email) to trained public providers | 02 day |
6 | Conduct supervision visits to 4-5 trained public providers per province including travel time | 06 days |
Interested candidates are invited to submit detailed curriculum vitae (CV) with a letter of interest to HR Department, PSI Vietnam through email: [email protected] by 12 June 2020.