Call for a communication and marketing officer for rural development
Agrisud International
For 27 years, Agrisud International, a non-profit association under French law, has been supporting the most vulnerable populations to rise from a state of precariousness to economic and social autonomy.
Agrisud International promotes economic growth through the creation of very small family businesses, especially in the agricultural sector. These businesses are viable and sustainable, because they are economic and agro-ecological, because they are well anchored in the local market, and because the entrepreneur was able to be accompanied throughout a professionalization process.
Agrisud pursues its objective in developing countries.
IDEAS project in Vietnam
The Hoang Lien National Park (HLNP) is made up of six communes populated mainly by Hmong, Day and Dao ethnic minorities living from agriculture, forestry and traditional handicrafts. To date, farming families face many challenges in agriculture and poverty rates remain high (53.3% on average), the main causes of poverty are: the lack of agricultural land due to the increase in demography and the classification of the territory as a protected natural park (since 2002) leading to the prohibition of opening new fields of cultivation; vulnerability of crops and livestock to climate risks; low diversification of income-generating activities and heavy reliance on cardamom cultivation.
In this context, the project IDEAS (Income Development for Ethnic Minorities Based on Agriculture Sustainability) supports families from ethnic minorities living in the park and its periphery, with the objectives of improving and diversifying agricultural activities for food security and sustainable income generation, and on the other, poverty reduction to reduce the pressure on natural resources and help preserve the local biodiversity of the HLNP.
General objective: To sustainably improve the living conditions of farming families in villages in the HLNP and its buffer zone by improving and diversifying their farming systems while preserving productive natural resources.
Specific objectives:
Roles and responsibilities of the communication and marketing officer for rural development
After 3 years supporting the development of various new value-chains for the local farming communities of the target villages (porcupine, orchid, jiaogulan, honey, fruit tree), the production process is now well-ongoing and the quantity of products available at the farms will allow to develop marketing contracts with various types of customers.
The roles and responsibilities of the communication and marketing officer for rural development will be to support the launch and strengthening of this marketing phase. He/she will also support the set-up of the communication strategy and tools for the farmer cooperative products. The work of the officer will be monitored by IDEAS coordination team with the additional supervision of Agrisud’s regional supervisor and the technical assistance of Agrisud HQ communication officer.
The communication and marketing officer for rural development will have the responsibilities to:
Qualifications and experience
Contractual conditions
How to apply?
Applications should be sent by e-mail to:
Applications must include the following documents:
Applications must be complete and marked "Recruitment of the communication and marketing officer for rural development - IDEAS Project - Vietnam " as the subject of the e-mail.
Deadline for applications: the 15th of July 2020.
Only the selected candidates for interviews will be contacted.
Timetable for interviews and selection: The interviews will be organised from the 16th of July 2020 (options of interview will be discussed with shortlisted candidates). Final selected candidates will be informed shortly after.
Start of the contract: As soon as possible.