VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

National Consultant for Strengthening Maternal and Child Health Services

VN024 - National consultant for strengthening maternal and child health services especially at the disadvantaged areas, as well as support for child injury prevention program


The proposed consultancy will work closely with the linked programs supported by WHO, of the UHC (Universal health coverage) and HLE (Healthy Life Style and Environment).

Within the UHC program, WHO is supporting the maternal and child health program, aiming to improve the coverage and quality of health services, with the priority to the disadvantaged areas in order to help reduce maternal and child mortalities and close the gap between remote and other areas. The work requires policy and guidelines review, planning, coordination and liaison from the central to the provincial levels, as well as monitoring and supervision at provinces to ensure smooth interventions.

WHO's program on HLE supports the government of Viet Nam in preventing non-communicable diseases NCD and injury prevention, which including policy advocacy, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation. The country office is supporting the government in the development of the National Action Plan on child injury prevention, including child drowning in the new period 2021-2030. A child drowning project in 12 provinces is being implemented under the technical support from WHO.

The proposed interventions are in line with WHO’s 13th Global Program of Work (GPW 13) and contributing to its triple billion goals.

Detailed call for expression of interest

Address for Applications:
Administrative Officer
World Health Organization
UN Building, 304 Kim Ma Street, Hanoi, Viet Nam

Or by email at: [email protected]

Application deadline:  24 July 2020

Organization: WHO
Application deadline: 2020-07-24
Send application to: [email protected]