Terms of reference for End term Evaluation
The Norwegian Mission Alliance in Vietnam (NMA-V) is seeking a highly qualified national consultant team to conduct End term evaluation of 5-year project “Social Inclusion of people with disabilities” in Can Tho City. The deadline for application is the Sep 18th 2020 and the final report required to be finalized by Oct 30th 2020
1. Background
NMA-V has been in partnership with Vietnamese local governments since 1996. NMA-V and the local partners have worked together to empower the poor and marginalized through inclusion and poverty reduction.
NMA-V started partnership with Viet Nam Federation on Disability (VFD) to improve social inclusion of people with disability (PWD) for the period 2016 - 2020. The project aims to support VFD to set up a network of Disabled People Organizations (DPO) throughout the country and building capacity of VFD to function as a lead organization on disability. With this approach, project can work on both the education field and other fields like empowerment for local Disabled People Organizations, health care and vocational trainings etc for the poor people with disabilities.
It also involves and improves people with disabilities’ role in designing, implementing and assessing the process of social inclusion.
The project has focused on:
2. Project information
Project goal:
Long term goal: Project will contribute to promote the social inclusion of people with disabilities in the society through forming a functioning DPO’s network in Mekong region.
Expected outcomes of the project:
Target groups:
The primary target groups are persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities and their family members/caregivers/ teachers. NMAV are non-discriminating of types or levels of disability.
Secondary target group are VFD and DPOs in Can Tho City, Mekong delta: capacity of these organizations will be strengthened to ensure these are the organizations of people with disability and work for the rights of all people with disability
Project location: VFD and pilot district- Ninh Kieu District included 6 pilot pre and primary schools in Can Tho
3. Purpose of evaluation
4. Methodology
It is expected that the evaluation team will conduct a participatory evaluation that will involve project implementers and target beneficiaries. The consultant will apply a gender sensitive approach to all aspects of the tasks. It is also expected that the team members will work with NMA-V’s project team and project partners and beneficiaries to conduct the evaluation study to assess the outcomes and achievements of the activities against the project objectives.
The evaluation team is expected to make their own judgements about the balance between qualitative and quantitative data. Both qualitative and quantitative gender disaggregated data and information from both secondary and primary sources will be collected through assessment tools such as document reviews, existing surveys, group discussions and semi-structured interviews.
The consultant shall make sure that all the crosscutting issues of NMA-V (gender, environment) are included in this consultancy work, and that the analysis takes into account adheres to The Mission Alliance ‘s values and strategies.
5. Responsibilities of the consultant and the team
6. Expertise requirement
NMA-V would like to seek for qualified national consultants’ team to conduct this mission. The candidates should have:
7. Preparation and logistical support
NMA-V will contract the consultant team in accordance with NMA-V regulations and guidelines for contracting of consultants. NMA-V will arrange transportation and accommodation in province as required and all other fees to serve for collecting data in the field such as allowance for interviewees, refreshment for IDIs, FGDs v.v. NMA-V staff will take responsible for planning and
providing logistical support and will accompany with the consultancy team in the field and meetings.
8. Implementation time: October 2020
9. Terms of payment
Payment will be made by bank transfer to bank account of Consultants: Terms of payment will be as follows:
Candidates are suggested to submit a) updated CVs, b) technical proposals and tentative timeline c) financial plan excluding hotel, per diem, field transportation of this mission to Project officer, Ms. Vu Minh Ha by email [email protected]
Deadline for submission: Sep 18th 2020