VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Activity Short-Term Technical Adviser

Building Capacities for Transport Authorities to Enhance a Universally Accessible Public Transport Network (ATS)

Recruitment of an International Short-Term Technical Adviser (ISTA)

Terms of Reference

Job Title: Activity Short-Term Technical Adviser (international individual consultant)
Reporting to: Deputy Team Leader, Aus4Transport

A. Background

1. Aus4Transport is an Australian Government initiative to support the Government of Vietnam in developing high-quality transport infrastructure to promote economic growth and poverty reduction. Aus4Transport is managed by a Program Managing Contractor (PMC), DT Global, Australia, on behalf of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of the Australian Government.

2. The program’s goal is to increase investment in Vietnam’s road, rail, and inland waterway infrastructures by bringing higher quality projects to market faster. The end-of-program outcome is faster project development and improved quality of transport infrastructures making use of funding from all financial sources. Two intermediate Program outcomes are anticipated: (i) the Ministry of Transport (MOT) giving enhanced consideration of engineering, financial, economic, safety, gender, social and environmental matters in all pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies and detailed engineering design leading to MOT bringing better prepared proposals and concepts more rapidly to implementation, drawing on innovative and comprehensive approaches; and (ii) MOT identifying bottlenecks to improved project development, identifying and assessing remedial measures, and recommending improved practices, leading to MOT adopting innovations in policies and procedures toward improved project development.

3. Working in close partnership with the Ministry of Transport (MOT) and the wider transport sector, the Program will provide support through two streams of activities:

  • Stream A: Facilitating project preparation for major projects that are listed, or soon to be listed, in the Government of Vietnam’s Mid-term Investment Plan; and
  • Stream B: Supporting the sector through research, innovation, policy reform, and training that responds to the specific needs of various transport users (including women, people with disabilities and ethnic minorities) as well as dealing with issues related to the development of the sector, including road safety and climate change.

B. Stream B ATS Activity

4. Part of the GOA grant will be used for financing the Stream B Activity “Building Capacities for Transport Authorities to Enhance a Universally Accessible Public Transport Network”- (ATS). MOT acting as the Activity line agency will have the overall responsible for the implementation of the Activity. MOT has assigned (i) its Department of Transportation (DOT) acting as the Activity Executing agency, to oversee on behalf of MOT the Activity implementation progress and quality deliverables, and facilitate the application of the Activity outputs; and (ii) the Transport Development & Strategy Institute (TDSI) acting as Activity Implementing agency, responsible for the overall coordination of the Activity with regard to MOT requirements, including the review of deliverables and outputs, and application of the Activity outputs; and assist the DOT in monitoring Activity progress and quality.

5. Aus4Transport has assigned the PMC to act as the client of the required consulting services. The PMC will manage in collaboration with DOT and TDSI the Activity implementation including recruitment and signing of contracts with the individual consultants.

6. The Activity scope includes:

  • Assess the implementation of the accessible transport regulations in four provinces by workshopping with local officials, civil societies, local Disabled People Organisations (DPOs) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO), regarding the current understandings, practices and limitations, as well as field review sample transport terminals for accessibility, focused on the needs of people with disabilities and the elderly.
  • Deliver a two-day-workshop in four provinces with two purposes, being (i) to raise awareness at the community level by disseminating national regulations and its application on accessible transport infrastructure (required the pre-emptive contact with local DPOs, NGOs regarding current situation of local awareness); and (ii) enhance knowledge of transport authorities in order to improve the implementation of existing regulations on accessible transport infrastructure (including universal design principles and other social benefit).
  • Provision of technical and financial assistance to at least three transport infrastructures projects (estimated 10,000 AUD/infrastructure project) applying universal design.

7. The Activity anticipated outputs encompass the following:

  • Field visit reports on the current implementation of accessible transport infrastructure in four provinces (Hai Phong, Hue, Tien Giang and Can Tho), which will be carried out with local DPOs collaboration;
  • Training material developed for a two-day- workshop, with the collaboration of local DPOs;
  • Communication materials developed and printed for distribution/dissemination i.e. leaflets, booklets, toolkits, notebooks, presentations etc.; (with easy-to-access attributes for people with disabilities such as Braille, video with caption or sign language, large font and easy-to-read contents);
  • Four training workshops (2 days each) delivered to approximately 160 individuals from the local communities, local transport agencies, community organisations, and disability-led associations;
  • Workshop report on the findings and recommendations on the implementation of the current policies/regulations;
  • Manual on application of accessible transport policies/regulations for transport authorities.
  • Report on provincial action plans review for four provinces including proposal for the selected activities to apply universal design;
  • Support provided for implementation of provincial action plans, with the collaboration of local DPOs;
  • Universal design applied and/or integrated into at least three transport infrastructure projects.

8. The Activity will require input of a consultants’ team consisting of five national consultants (total 218 working days), managed by the National Activity Manager (30 working days) and assisted by one International Short-Term Technical Adviser (ISTA) (20 working days).

C. International Short-Term Technical Adviser – Scope of Services

9. The implementation of the Activity will require the services of an ISTA who will assist and provide guidance to the national consultants’ team. The ISTA will be under the supervision of the NAM to deliver high quality outputs focusing on implementation of adequate solutions to address access in transport infrastructure projects that meet the current Disability and Care for the Elderly Legislation in Vietnam and introduce universal design into the project design.

10. The tasks of the ISTA will include, but are not be limited to the following:

  • Providing technical advice on the survey plan and questionnaire prepared by the national consultants, ensuring that international practices on accessible transportation infrastructure/facility is adequately integrated;
  • Reviewing the survey completion report and provide initial feedback on the recommendations for capacity development;
  • Reviewing training material (including toolkits, leaflets, booklets, presentations, etc.) prepared by national specialists, with specific focus on introducing universal design in transport infrastructure projects;
  • acting as guest speaker in at least two workshops providing an overview of international practices on accessible transport and assisting the national specialists with further development of training material and presentation improvements (*) ; and
  • Providing assistance with Activity reporting and other technical assistance and coordination on an as-needed basis.

11. The ISTA will maintain regular contacts with the PMC through its Deputy Team Leader, TDSI management and the NAM as required to report on the quality of deliverables provided by the national consultants, Activity issues, any unexpected requirements, and any guidance as required.

D. Key Expertise Requirements

12. The ISTA will have a master’s degree in transport engineering/economics/legislation and more than 15 years of professional experience with at least 7 years of relevant experience in accessible transportation or five accessible transportation-related projects. The ISTA should have substantive knowledge of project management, training development and high level of proficiency in English, both oral and written.

13. The ISTA should have a proven experience in transport projects preferably with MOT in Vietnam and experience in dealing with government and local agencies.

E. Implementation Arrangements

14. The ISTA will be engaged by the PMC on an intermittent basis for a total duration of 20 days over the anticipated seven-month duration of the first phase of the Activity (surveys, training material, workshops, and manuals). Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the ISTA may have to provide home-based services, otherwise, his/her workplace will be the Aus4Transport Office and TDSI Office in Hanoi.

15. The ISTA will be administratively accountable to the Aus4Transport Deputy Team Leader, with whom he/she will work closely and collaboratively with the NAM and the national consultants’ team. The ISTA’s main counterpart will be TDSI and/or DOT. The ISTA is expected to maintain regular contact with the NAM, TDSI and the consultants’’ team to discuss progress, issues, any assignment needs, and any guidance required.

16. The Aus4Transport Program will cover the cost of the ISTA’s remuneration in AUD, any international and domestic travel costs that may be required in support of the ISTA’s outputs. The ISTA is expected to provide his/her own computer and peripherals needed for the assignment.

Written application in English together with full curriculum vitae should be sent by 29 August 2020 to:

E-mail: [email protected].
Subject: ATS - Application for International Short-Term Technical Adviser

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

DT Global is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to child protection. We encourage women, men
and people living with disabilities to apply.


(*) In the event that the international consultant cannot be fielded in Hanoi due COVID-19-related restrictions on international flights, the participation to workshops will be through videoconferencing.

Organization: Aus4Transport
Location: Hanoi
Application deadline: 2020-08-29
Send application to: [email protected]