WWF was one of the first International non-government organizations working in Vietnam. In 1985, WWF began working on a national conservation strategy and since then has worked closely with the Vietnamese Government on a diverse range of environmental issues and implemented field activities across the country. Please find out more at http://vietnam.panda.org/.
We would like to invite you to provide your professional service in auditing a project managed and executed by WWF-Viet Nam. You are kindly requested to send us your Proposal with separated Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal (2 files/envelops). Followings are project initial information and instructions to interested bidders.
I. Project Information
Project Name: Voices for Diversity-safeguarding ecosystems for nature and people
Project Donor: Primary Donor: Sida - WWF Network Donor: WWF Sweden
Project Location: Viet Nam
Project Duration: 01.03.2020 – 31.12.2022
II. Submission of Proposals
The proposals shall be submitted in one outer sealed envelope containing two separate sealed envelopes, one envelope containing the Technical Proposal(s) and one envelope containing the Financial Proposal(s). The outer envelope shall be clearly marked “Proposal for Audit of the Voices for Diversity-safeguarding ecosystems for nature and people Project- DO NOT OPEN BEFORE SUBMISSION DEADLINE”. The two sealed inner envelopes shall be marked “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal” respectively. The sealed envelope shall be addressed to WWF-Viet Nam at the following address: No.6, Lane 18, Nguyen Co Thach street, Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi, Viet Nam.
Alternatively, bidders are allowed to submit their proposal by email. Bidders who intend to submit electronic proposals must follow the following submission instructions:
Deadline for submission is 26th October 2020 (Close of Business) - Hanoi time.
Detailed Invitation to Bid with Terms of Reference for the Assignment could be found at https://wwfasia.awsassets.panda.org/downloads/itb_auditing_services_voices_for_diversity_sida.pdf
“WWF is an equal opportunity employer and committed to having a diverse workforce.”