VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Consultant in Feasibility Study on Develop Rice Processing and Marketing Cooperative Federation in An Giang and Tra Vinh


Feasibility study on Establishing and Development of Rice Processing and
Marketing Cooperative Federation in An Giang and Tra Vinh


The objective of DGRV’s Project in Vietnam is to contribute to the effective and sustainable poverty reduction via the development of social structures and favorable legal framework for cooperatives as well as self-help groups and their belonging structures. The project has been funded by BMZ and has been implemented in Vietnam for many years.

In order to meet the overall objective of the project, that is, strengthening the role of cooperatives in poverty reduction and hunger eradication, DGRV has been assisting the development and promoting the effective and stable operations of the coops through creating impact on 5 main aspects: inclusive market access, protection of business assets and deposits, market-oriented products and services, higher income of the cooperative members and risk mitigation. DGRV has been applying the approach of comprehensive consultancy at all of 3 levels: macro-meso-micro for ensuring the positive impact on above mentioned main aspects.

The activity of “Feasibility study on developing Rice Processing and Marketing cooperative federation in An Giang and Tra Vinh” shall be conducted to fulfill the objective of approaching at the meso level, thereby affecting the macro and micro levels. Contributing to providing input data for the development of cooperative development strategies of Government, ministries, provincial departments, and rice cooperatives. Based on these strategies, DGRV shall implement its project in line with the development orientation of the partners, especially of MPI and VCA, for the cooperative economic sector in Vietnam.


1. Geographical coverage

  • An Giang and Tra Vinh provinces.
  • Summary of available data related to the rice sector.
  • The selected Consultant and DGRV project staff shall work closely in the screening of subjects for survey.

2. Target groups

  • Cooperatives having rice producing, processing and marketing activities.
  • Enterprises running rice processing and marketing activities.
  • Other stakeholders related to the promotion of develop rice processing and marketing cooperative federation.

3. General objective

  • To evaluate the feasibility of establishing the rice cooperative federation which can operate effectively with cooperative features and principles in An Giang and Tra Vinh.

4. Specific objectives

  • To evaluate the need and possibility of establishing the Rice Processing and Marketing cooperative federation.
  • To draw an overview on processing and marketing services for rice sector.
  • Activities (processing scale, yield, input market for processing, market for marketing...) of rice processing and marketing enterprises.
  • Activities (processing scale, yield, input market for processing, market for marketing...) of rice producing cooperatives.
  • Ability to access SEA market.

5. Survey methodology

  • Semi-structure Interview
  • In-depth Interview
  •  Other suitable methods


  • Survey report:
    • Survey results shall identify the difficulties and obstacles of the establishment of cooperative federations which operate effectively, in line with its nature and principles meeting the objectives of processing, marketing and linkage of SEA market.
    • The report shall provide the measures to overcome the difficulties and obstacles of the establishment of rice cooperative federation which operate effectively and in line with its nature and principles. The measures shall be developed with the specific milestones as well as the specific tasks of cooperatives, enterprises and relevant stakeholders.
    • Brief report on the survey results in English (2-3 pages)
  • Filled-in questionnaires (including the recordings, if any)
  • Survey data (raw data, clean data and preliminary processed data). The survey data shall be the property of DGRV and shall not be handed over to the third party without the prior consent of DGRV.


This survey is scheduled for the time period from November to 15 December 2020.


The criteria of selecting the consultant team:

  • Have ample knowledge and good experience in survey and assessment.
  • Have a good grasp of cooperative sector, especially in rice sector.
  • Good skills in the use of data processing software
  • Good English speaking and writing skill
  • The consultants shall prepare the detailed proposals to send to DGRV.


  • 30% of the contract amount shall be paid at the kickoff of the survey.
  • 40% of contract amount shall be paid after the results of raw survey are accepted by DGRV.
  • The remaining amount (30% of the contract amount) shall be paid after the processed data and assessment report are provided (the format of the report shall be provided by DGRV after two parties agree on the initial terms).


The proposals shall be sent to the following address via the courier: DGRV, P402B, Coco building, No. 14 Thuy Khue, Tay Ho, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

The proposals can be emailed to our person in charge: Mr. Nguyen Trong Khanh via the adress: [email protected].

Deadline for the submission: 01.11.2020.

The proposal shall be composed of the followings:

  • List of the Consultant and relevant experience
  • Technical proposal to fulfill the set objectives and timely provision of expected results
  • Work plan
  • The consultants proposed (personal files, CVs)
  • Financial proposal (find the appendix attached)

Please note that after the interview, only shortlisted consultants will be contacted.

TOR in Vietnamese

Organization: DGRV
Application deadline: 2020-11-01
Send application to: [email protected]