VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Call for CVs - The USAID Sustainable Forest Management Project



The new USAID Sustainable Forest Management Project (SFM) is a five-year project in Vietnam funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by DAI. SFM Project is recruiting for multiple positions.. The team is looking for extremely well organized and self-directed individuals with sound technical skills, analytical ability, good judgement, and strong operational focus.

Project Background

The USAID Sustainable Forest Management Project will work with the Government of Vietnam (GVN) to reduce carbon emissions associated with deforestation, the degradation of natural forests, and poor plantation management. SFMA will implement a “Green Prosperity” approach that strengthens local communities’ ability to protect their natural resource base and reduce emissions while building a strong foundation for sustainable livelihoods and equitable economic growth.

SFMA will work in seven provinces and focus on five activities:

  • Strengthening community forest management;
  • Promoting conservation-friendly enterprises;
  • Improving law enforcement to tackle environmental crimes;
  • Enhancing the management of production forests; and
  • Mobilizing domestic resources.

Open Positions:

  • Environmental Crimes Specialist
  • Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Specialist
  • Sustainable NTFP Specialist

Application instructions:

Select the position in which you are interested in applying for, fill out the required information and upload CV. Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible as interviews will be conducted soon. Please note, due to the volume of applications that we receive and the urgency to fill-up positions only shortlisted applicants will receive notifications on next steps. Positions are for Vietnam Nationals only.

Deadlines for application is November 6, 2020.

About DAI

DAI works at the cutting edge of international development, combining technical excellence, professional project management, and exceptional customer service to solve our clients’ most complex problems. Since 1970, DAI has worked in 150 developing and transition countries, providing comprehensive development solutions in areas including crisis mitigation, democratic governance and public sector management, agriculture and agribusiness, private sector development and financial services, economics and trade, water and natural resources management, and energy and climate change. Clients include international development agencies, international lending institutions, private corporations and philanthropies, and host-country governments. More information about DAI can be found on the DAI website (

Organization: DAI
Location: Hanoi
Application deadline: 2020-11-06
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