VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

PVCA and DRR Planning Consultant

Location: Trung Khanh, Cao Bang

Deadline: 02/11/2020

ChildFund is recruiting a consultant/ group of consultants to carry out the following activities in Trung Khanh district, Cao Bang province:

  • One TOT training course on “Methods and skills to conduct participatory vulnerability capacity assessment (PVCA)” for 30 core people (24 DRR committee leaders + six representatives from the district/commune);
  • Provide technical guidance and support members of DRR group to implement PVCA at 12 villages;
  • Develop the content and implement communication to raise awareness of DRR and CCA for communities (in the first year) and primary and secondary students (in the second year) in four project communes.

Kindly download the attached TOR for more information and application process.

Position Description



Organization: ChildFund
Location: Cao Bang
Application deadline: 2020-11-02
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