VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

National Short Term Consultant on Health Account for 2018-2019 and COVID -19 Estimation

VN034 - National short term consultant on Health Account for 2018-2019 and COVID -19 estimation

Work to be performed

The consultant will be based either in the office of WHO Viet Nam located in Ha Noi, Viet Nam or Ministry of Health, Viet Nam. The work will involve, but not be limited to, building capacity of and supporting the MOH health accounts team in the production and use of health expenditure estimates, coordination of data collection across various stakeholders, and improvement of data quality and methodology; participating in technical meetings and workshops; and contributing to the finalization of health expenditure estimates and report for 2018 and 2019, and COVID-19 related expenditures.

For COVID-19 related expenditures and impact on health expenditures, COVID-19 related expenditures and general health expenditures are to be collected for Quarters 1 and 2 2020 and compared to 2019 health expenditure estimates. If expenditure data is not yet available for some sources, budget data may be considered.
The consultant will work closely with the health accounts team in the Department of Planning and Finance in the Ministry of Health to produce health expenditure estimates based on the System of Health Accounts (SHA) 2011 framework and facilitate collaboration with other Departments, Ministries, and relevant stakeholders.


Detailed call for expression of interest

Address for Applications:

Administrative Officer
World Health Organization
UN Building, 304 Kim Ma Street, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Or by email at: [email protected]

Application deadline: 06 November 2020

Organization: WHO
Application deadline: 2020-11-06
Send application to: [email protected]