VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Consulting Group/Individuals to Conduct Feasibility Survey for Investing in Early Childhood Development (IECD) Project

Consulting Group/Individuals conducting a Feasibility Survey for Investing in Early Childhood Development (IECD) Project to be implemented in Ho Chi Minh City and its surrounding industrial zones

PE&D, founded in 1984, is a French NGO that implements projects centered on the child, his/her family and community, with a special focus on women and girls. In its 4 countries of intervention (Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal and Burkina Faso), PE&D is today recognized for its experience in the field of early childhood as well as maternal and child health, social work, protection against violence, vocational training and education. Present in Vietnam since 1992, PE&D has been implementing for more than 15 years education projects for ethnic minority groups in North Vietnam and then moved to the South in 2011 to work on urban poverty issues in HCMC.

Furthermore, over the years, PE&D in Vietnam has acquired expertise in four main areas: support for women victims of violence, family development, support for employment and job creation, as well as the transfer of skills to local actors and their strengthening. The NGO wishes to strengthen its action targeting the very young and launched in 2020 a multi-country project, the International Early Childhood Development (IECD) program, whose aim is to combat inequalities and poverty by investing in early childhood.

We are looking for Consulting Group and/or Individuals to conduct a Survey on assessment of the existing offer for and demand from factory workers for the creation or support of early childhood services for 3 to 36 months old children in HCMC’s industrial zones, analyse the feasibility of creating or supporting early childhood services and recommend a model for ECS in such zones.

Interested consultants will be required to send their CVs and cover letters to PE&D as soon as possible. PE&D will then assess the application and send the ToR to the consultant for him to submit technical and financial proposals written in English.

CVs and Cover letter are to be sent by e-mail no later than December 3rd 2020 to the following addresses: [email protected] and [email protected] under the reference ECD SURVEY.

The shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews during the following week (week of the 7th of December) and a definitive answer will be given to all candidates before December 18th.

Organization: PE&D
Application deadline: 2020-12-03
Send application to: [email protected]; [email protected]