Terms of Reference
International Occupational Therapy Consultant
Project: Interdisciplinary rehabilitation services supporting children with intellectual and developmental disabilities to thrive (I-Thrive)
Position: Occupational Therapy Clinical Coach
Work place: Hospital of Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue City, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam.
Duration: 7 months.
Starting date: Tentatively from January 1, 2021.
Working hour per week: 40 hours.
Medical Committee Netherlands - Vietnam (MCNV) is a Netherland-based NGO founded in 1968 based on friendship and solidarity of Vietnamese and Dutch. Since then, all activities of MCNV are forwarding to the support to develop the programs, projects and the emergency aid in health care of the Vietnamese. During last 20 years MCNV has been supporting People with Disabilities focusing on Rehabilitation Service and Inclusion.
To contribute to filling the gaps of OT workforce and services at both provincial and district levels, MCNV has been cooperated with Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP) to provide a 12-month course on Occupational Therapy (OT) in which Hue UMP sent to this training course two participants who are teachers working at Rehabilitation Department (called OT practitioners hereafter). The training course will end in December 2020. As planned, in the future Hue UMP will organize Continuing Medical Education (CME) course focusing on OT practice for some common heath conditions. The 2 OT practitioners are expected to provide basic OT clinical practice to CME’s participants. In order to help Hue UMP to implement this plan, MCNV will continue supporting Hue UMP to provide the 2 OT practitioners an extensive 9-month OT coaching, including 7 months for OT clinical practice, and 2 months for teaching methods. MCNV is looking for an international OT consultant to provide 7-month coaching on OT clinical practice for the 2 OT practitioners at Hue UMP Hospital.
1. Objectives
To provide 7-month OT coaching on clinical practice to 2 OT practitioners at Hue UMP Hospitals.
2. The OT consultant’s specific tasks
The consultant’s tasks may include, but not limited to:
3. Expected deliverables
Pre-requisite qualification: Master in Occupational Therapy.
Desirable parameters:
Benefits covered by MCNV:
A CV detailing professional experience, relevant qualifications should be provided to thuy.tranthu@mcnv.vn by December 25, 2020.