VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

International Expert; National Expert; Junior National Expert

The ILO Country Office for Vietnam invites applications from Foreign and Vietnamese nationals for the positions below:

The responsibilities and tasks of the positions will be carried out within the ILO results-based management system and in line with ILO rules and regulations.

  • One (01) International Expert;
  • One (01) National Expert;
  • One (01) Junior National Expert

Please write clearly in your application what position you are applying for i.e. Application for International Expert; application for National Expert; and application for Junior National Expert.

Organizational Setting

  • Viet Nam  rejoined the ILO since 1992, and an ILO Country Office was established in 2003. The Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) between the ILO and tripartite constituents (the Government, the workers' and employers' organizations) have put ILO’s knowledge, instruments and advocacy at the service of the tripartite constituents to advance the decent work agenda in Viet Nam.
    There have been three Decent Work Country Programmes for Viet Nam, including the current 2017-2021 DWCP. DWCP translates the ILO’s core mandate of advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in condition of freedom, equity, security and human dignity, into the country’s context. It supports Viet Nam in addressing the decent work challenges and is aligned with the National Social and Economic Development Plan and the Viet Nam United Nations One Plan for the same period.
  • The Country Programme Review (CPR) for the DWCP 2017-2021 has started since August 2020. The CPR takes stock of what has worked and has not worked with the view to advising the country office for better design, implementation, monitoring and assessment of DWCP in the future. The CPR identifies priorities by the constituents and informs the development of the DWCP 2022-2026.
  • Viet Nam is now at the final stage of preparing the:
    • National Socio-Economic Development Strategy (SEDS, 2021-2030);
    • Vision to 2030 and 2045;
    • as well as its five years’ plan Socio-Economic Development Plan, 2021-2025, which will define development strategies and visions for next 10 years. 
    While assisting tripartite constituents in developing a renewed decent work agenda under ‘new normal’ post COVID 19 recovery, the new DWCP 2022-2026 will need to support SEDS and SEDP, and will serve as a vehicle for the ILO and the tripartite partners in working towards a new modality of collaboration and partnership.
  • The 2019 ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work is a reaffirmation of the ILO mandate and the recognition of the importance of the setting, promotion, ratification and supervision of the international labour standards, and the crucial contribution that strong and representative social partners and social dialogue make for overall cohesion of societies and a well-functioning and productive economy.
  • At the same time, the One UN in Viet Nam is also conducting the assessment of the One Plan Strategic Plan (OSP), 2017-2021 and development of the Common Country Assessment (CCA), as one of the key steps for formulation and framing of the new UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), 2021-2026.  As per UNDS guidelines, the development of the new DWCP process should be fully aligned whenever it is possible with the One UN programming process, in particular, the development of the CCA and the UNSDCF. 

The above conditions and the “new normal” situation necessitate the recruitment of a team of consultants to deliver on the objective and tasks of developing the DWCP 2022-2026.

This advertisement is for recruiting a team of one (01) International Expert; one (01) National Expert and one (01) Junior National Expert (the consultancy).

Main Purpose

The consultancy is to support the ILO constituents, through the CO-Hanoi, in designing and developing a high-quality DWCP 2022-2026. It positions decent work as a national policy objective of the Government and social partners as well as of other local actors and cooperating agencies.

The DWCP for 2022-2026 aims to lay the foundation for the ILO and the tripartite constituents to continue advancing the decent work agenda goals aligned with and contributing to Viet Nam’s socio-economic development strategy and plans.  The DWCP 2022-2026  will be fully aligned with the One UN programming process, in particular, the development of the CCA and the UNSDCF.

Scope of Work

The scope of work and technical areas to be drawn upon for the development of the DWCP 2022-2026 will include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Overall global, regional trends and national socio-economic development, challenges, priorities as well as impact to the social and labour areas;
  • Social/labour sectoral strategy, plans of action, challenges or constraints, and the practical application of gender mainstreaming, and attention to vulnerable target groups;
  • SEDS and SEDP
  • CCA, One UN Strategic Plan, SDGs;
  • Global/country’s ILO strategy and priorities;
  • ILO partnerships with relevant stakeholders;
  • Good practices, and lessons learned towards the achievement of the Decent Work agenda based on assessment of implementation of various programmes during 2017-2021;
  • ILO CPR report, Development Cooperation project’s evaluation and research reports.

Working Relationships

The consultant team will report to the Director of the  ILO Ha Noi Country Office with direct operational and technical coordination from the Programing unit (PU). The Regional Programming Services Unit in Bangkok and HQ will provide technical backstopping upon request by the PU.

Tripartite constituents and social partners will provide inputs and guidance to the development of the DWCP. They will additionally facilitate data and contacts as appropriate.

Key Duties and Responsibilities

The development of the DWCP 2022-2026 is guided by the methodologies under framework of the CCA and  the UNSDCF. As much as applicable, “the Cooperation strategic priorities and outcomes that have decent work elements are copied verbatim in the DWCP 2022-2026” (The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks: Implications for the ILO and the Decent Work Country Programmes, July 2020). The most updated guideline and templates of DWCP could be find at

A combination of the quantitative and qualitative approach is to be applied for complementary triangulation. It is expected that the detailed technical methodology will be proposed by the selected consultant team through their submission of the inception report.

In addition, for the promotion of active participation and ownership from the tripartite partners, the process of the development of the DWCP 2022-2026 will benefit from frequent consultations with and guidance of the national DWCP Tripartite Working Group.

The draft outline of DWCP 2022-2026 will follow the ILO DWCP template as in the link:

Expected results

In addition to the needed activity inputs outlined in the task/deliverable table below, the main documentary deliverables of the consultancy include:

  • An inception report, draft and finalized, describing the proposed process for preparation of the DWCP;
  • A draft report, 1st report, and final 1st report to be used as basis and result of consultations
  • A DWCP in ILO format, including necessary tables and RBM frameworks.

Timeline and Deliverables

The following matrix shows the expected tasks against deliverables (but not limited to) of the consultancy:






Responsible Entity


Consultants develop the 1st draft inception report

 1st Draft Inception Report

2 February 23/01/2021

Consultants in collaboration with Tripartite  Working Group


Technical group meetings/seminars/workshops with consultants on development of DWCP 2022-2026


Feb - April 2021

MOLISA and Tripartite  Working Group


Technical meeting between consultants and Tripartite  Working Group for going through the work plan and methodology

Work plan and methodology


Consultants in collaboration with Tripartite  Working Group


Meeting for appraisal and agreement on the inception report

Inception Report


Consultants in collaboration with WG


Data/information collection, processing and analysing

Data compiled and analysed




Drafting report

Draft Report


Consultants in collaboration with Tripartite  Working Group and RCO


Technical meeting for review/validating/providing comments on the 1st draft report

1st Draft Report

1st week of April 2021

Consultants in collaboration with Tripartite  Working Group


Finalisation of 1st draft report

Final 1st Draft Report

2nd week of  April 2021

Consultants in collaboration with Tripartite  Working Group


Wider stakeholder technical consultation workshops with consultants on validation of draft DWCP 2022-2026

Technical consultation workshops


MOLISA and Tripartite Partner Working Group (Consultants to finalise this draft)


Technical meeting for reviewing and updating and improving the draft

Technical meeting


Consultants, MOLISA and Tripartite  Working Group (Consultants to finalise this draft)


Final round of consultation and endorsement by Tripartite  Working Group



Tripartite  Working Group and RCO


Updating/finalising the DWCP 2022-2026

DWCP 2022-2026


ILO and Tripartite  Working Group (Consultants to finalise this draft)


Submitting for internal/external appraisal, approval by the Government and ILO Quality Assurance Mechanism and RCO. Once it is approved, launching the new DWCP 2022-2026

New DWCP 2022-2026

 15 July – Dec. 2021

MOLISA, ILO and Tripartite Working Group


Please note: Only on-line applications submitted via ILO Jobs (link provided above) before the stated application deadline will be taken into account. We will not be in a position to consider applications to vacancies making use of any e-recruit profile you may have created in the past. You are therefore strongly encouraged to apply at an early stage in the vacancy posting, to allow yourself sufficient time to create a new Candidate Profile in ILO Jobs.

Please submit your CVs to: [email protected]

Application deadline:  28 December 2020 (midnight Local time)

Organization: ILO
Application deadline: 2020-12-28
Send application to: [email protected]