Request for Quotations (RFQ)
Provide photographic and video services to the LHSS Vietnam Project
Abt Associates is a mission-driven, global leader in research and program implementation in the fields of health, social and environmental policy, and international development. Known for its rigorous approach to solving complex challenges, Abt Associates was ranked as one of the top 20 global research firms in 2012 and also named one of the top 40 international development innovators. The company has multiple offices in the U.S. and program offices in nearly 40 countries.
The global Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) project helps low and middle-income countries transition to sustainable, self-funded health finance systems that support high-performing overall health systems. The LHSS activity in Vietnam will work with the Government of Vietnam (GVN) to advance greater local ownership of HIV and TB prevention and control. Led by Abt Associates, the four-year activity will support Vietnam in increasing its domestic financing for HIV and TB services in the context of declining donor funding, using government resources more efficiently, and in assuming local ownership of HIV and TB prevention and control activities.
LHSS Vietnam plans to develop a library of photographs and video footage for the project, aiming at:
- Building up the project visibility
- Documenting the project milestones and showcase project activities
- Having a library of diversified and high-quality photographs and video footage that is ready for use in the project communication materials, social media channels, websites, success stories, project reports, presentations, and other products as needed.
For these purposes, the project is looking for a service provider to provide high-quality photographic and video services.
The service provider will:
- Provide photographic and video coverage as requested by LHSS personnel at assigned events which might include project launching event, MOU signing ceremony, workshops/technical meetings, or other events as needed.
- Take thematic photographs of persons and actions as arranged and requested by the project.
- Invest time to explore LHSS’s areas of work and tasks required so that the service provider can be creative, make suggestions, capture, and reflex at best the issues/activities the project is working on.
- Self-prepare all necessary equipment and personnel to ensure the task is performed with the highest quality. Products are of the highest quality.
- Ensure to deliver service by the time and the following schedule as informed/arranged by LHSS.
- Self-handle and ensure to get a photo/video consent form of persons in the photos/videos as needed, using the consent form provided by LHSS.
- Inform the service provider of the time and location of events at least 2-3 days in advance.
- For thematic photographs, develop a photo shooting plan including schedule, photo objects, and locations, key themes, and minimum required shots for the service provider to be creative and make thematic photosets.
- Inform the photo shooting schedule to the service provider at least 2 – 3 days in advance.
- Provide photo consent form to the service provider
Location: Flexible, depending on event locations, and places of persons/locations to be shot.
Duration: The assignment is planned for the period from January to September 2021
- Event-based deliverables:
- The service provider shall provide and transmit to LHSS all original photos taken at the events. Selection of appropriately 30 images (maybe fewer or more) of 4K resolution that inclusive of all key moments, for retouching to gain the highest quality and transmit to the project within 2 - 5 days after the event. Retouched photos should be sent into 2 packages including high-quality and resized images for convenient use. Please note that photos taken should include both a horizontal and vertical dimension. Urgent requests for sending photos earlier might be frequent.
- The service provider shall provide and transmit video-graphic files that have been preliminarily edited about 1 – 5 days after the event. The video-graphic files submitted will be in full HD and in normal video file format to meet different use purposes. Depending on need, the project might request the service provider to edit and make a short clip (i.e 30 seconds – 2 minutes) with text-based on film footage at the event for use in social media platforms, websites, etc.
- Thematic photographing deliverables:
The service provider shall provide all original photos taken to LHSS. Selection of approximately 30 images/theme (might be fewer or more depending on actual issues/themes) of 4K resolution but inclusive of all key moments and required shots, for retouching to gain the highest quality. Transmission of photos to LHSS within 2 - 7 days after shooting. Retouched photos should be sent into 2 packages including high-quality and resized images for convenient use. Please note that photos taken should include both a horizontal and vertical dimension
- The service provider must have prior experience in photographing and taking video and produce video clips in similar projects/activities.
- Past performance with Abt Associates is a competitive advantage.
- The service provider must have experience working with USAID/PEPFAR.
- The service provider must use their own photography/videography equipment capable of delivering high-resolution jpeg and raw files and ensure the highest quality of images.
All the product’s raw and retouched photographs and videos produced under this TOR are the properties of the project. The project will have the right to use these products for their purposes. The service provider is not allowed to provide these products to any other individuals/parties without prior permission from the LHSS. The service provider must ask for the permission of LHSS before using these products.
Quotes: All interested service provider should submit their quotes to Ms. Phuong Doan at by 5:00 PM on 8th January 2021, stating:
1. The unit cost of taking photos per day
2. The unit cost of recording video per day
3. The unit cost of taking photos by themes per day
Quotes received in response to this RFQ will be evaluated based on the price, availability, and quality of the required service. These parts are considered equal, the individual with the lowest cost technically available will be awarded. As a result, vendors are encouraged to submit their
most competitive offer.
Abt Associates reserves the right to reach a final decision based on an overall assessment of quotes. The submission of a quote does not constitute an award of any funds. The resulting award will be subject to Abt’s standard terms and conditions and applicable to all Prime Contract terms and conditions, which are available upon request.