Terms of Reference
Programme/Project Name | ENHANCE project |
Name of individual consultant [1] |
Duration of the contract | 23 March to 31 August 2021 |
Total value of consultancy (USD/VND)[2] |
Source of funding (AFF/PTAEO)105007/032.028/581115-SEMINAR - CONSULTANTS |
I. Background & Rationale
Child labour is a significant socio-economic problem that continues to affect the lives of many. In the Asia-Pacific Region alone, there are around 62 million children who are engaged in some form of labour.[1] In Viet Nam, the 2018 National Child labour survey identified an estimated 1, 031, 944 cases of child labour among 5-17 year olds, 51 per cent of whom are boys and 49 per cent are girls. In Viet Nam, where most child labour occurs within families and small household enterprises, it is generally deemed as natural for children to contribute to their family income. According to a 2019 survey on knowledge attitudes and practices towards child labour in Viet Nam, this attitude is particularly prevalent towards boys, who are viewed as more responsible for bearing household economic burdens in times of financial hardship. However, as broader research indicates, girls' work often takes more hidden forms, as they are more likely to face the double burden of combining household chores with economic activities.
Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has intensified inequalities and disrupted work towards the protection of vulnerable groups—including children. According to the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR), the pandemic has devastating short, medium and long term effects on children—specifically those who are at the margins. This public health emergency not only restricts their movement, but also impacts their mental and physical health, as well as the full enjoyment of their basic rights.[3] Existing literature on child labour in the relation to the pandemic in the region has pointed to a rise in cases.
Despite this shared issue, to date, there have been no joint activities involving Viet Nam and other ASEAN countries to engage scholars and research agencies in the prevention of child labor in ASEAN countries. There have also been limited efforts to share practical lessons learned, effective initiatives and models. In light of the current situation, a conference would be an effective way to promote the role and participation of scholars and research agencies in the prevention of child labour in ASEAN countries. This would contribute to the development of practical lessons on effective initiatives and models to improve the effectiveness of child labour prevention through scholars and researchers in Southeast Asia. It would also contribute to the expansion of multi-sectoral networks, and encourage increased discourse and more action on intersecting issues relevant to child labour. This would serve to promote the role of governments in the prevention of child labour and raise awareness on SDG Target 8.7.
To this end, the ENHANCEProject is seeking an international consultant to support the organization of a Conference on Combating Child Labour in ASEAN/Southeast Asia, in collaboration with multiple stakeholders, including: ILO ENHANCE; the Vietnam National University- School of Law; the Southeast Asian Human Rights and Peace Studies Network (SEAHRN); and the Programme to Strengthen Human Rights and Peace Research and Education in ASEAN/Southeast Asia (SHAPE-SEA).
II. Objective/purpose
The purpose of the consultancy service is to coordinate preparation and organization of the Conference on Combating Child Labour in ASEAN/ Southeast Asia.
The specific objectives of the Conference are
III. Scope of Work
The consultant will work closely with the ILO ENHANCE project, the Vietnam National University School of Law, SEAHRN and SHAPE – SEA, to support the preparation, coordination and organization of the conference. Specific activities for the assignment may include, but will not be limited to the following:
IV. Specific Tasks and methodology
Tasks | Number of days |
Develop online material to promote the conference and call for papers with registration link | 1 |
Collect paper abstracts and prepare for abstract review committee | 1 |
Support review and selection of paper abstracts | 4 |
Coordinate submission of full papers | 1 |
Invite, coordinate and support the Keynote Speakers and Facilitators | 1 |
Provide technical and administrative support during the conference | 2 |
Develop the conference report | 2 |
Collect final Papers for Publication and coordinate the editing of the publication | 2 |
Total | 14 |
V. Expected results
VI. Timeline and Deliverables
1. Submission of a collection of paper abstracts– 15 April 21
2. A finalized collection of papers to present at the conference – 30 May 21
3. Submission of a conference report – 30 June 21
4. A conference publication – 31 August 21
VII. Source of fund & financial agreement
Source of funds: 105007//032.028/581115- SEMINAR - CONSULTANTS
Financial agreement (in conjunction with above-mentioned expected deliverables)
Payment schedule | Amount (USD) | Deliverable/Output |
Total value of contract |
Payment 1 |
| Upon completion of Deliverable 1 |
Payment 2 |
| Upon completion of Deliverable 2 |
Final payment |
| Upon completion of Deliverables 3&4 to the satisfaction of the ILO |
Required qualifications and experience of the Consultant
The following qualifications are required for the selected consultant:
VIII. Submission of Proposal
Please send CV, including a cover letter and the proposed consultancy fee to [email protected] with copy to [email protected] before 5pm 17 March 2021. Late submission will not be accepted.
Funding is provided by the United States Department of Labor under cooperative agreement number IL-26682-14-75-K-11. This material does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the United States Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the United States Government. 100 percentage of the total costs of the project or program is financed with Federal funds, for a total of 8 million dollars.
Annex for internal use only:
The checklist in Annex 1 of IGDS No. 224 must be completed and attached to the Purchase Order in IRIS
Please having more detailed information from Guidelines on the use of External Collaboration contracts and preparation of TORs
[I:\03-Supporting Units\FU\IRIS\IRIS WORKFLOW 2019\PO EXCOL\IGDS\Guidelines on ExCols.pdf]