Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Vietnam
For technical support on the revision and completion of the revised SHI Law to submit for the National Assembly's approval; and development of a new Decree adjusting the SHI premium rate
1. Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Vietnam Activity
The global USAID LHSS Activity helps low- and middle-income countries transition to sustainable, self-funded health finance systems that support high-performing overall health systems. The LHSS activity in Vietnam will work with the Government of Vietnam (GVN) to advance greater local ownership of HIV and TB prevention and control. Led by Abt Associates, the four-year activity supports Vietnam in increasing its domestic financing for HIV and TB services in the context of declining donor funding, in using government resources more efficiently, and in assuming local ownership of HIV and TB prevention and control activities. Specific objectives are: (1) Support the GVN to strengthen its public financial management systems for public sector health and find greater efficiencies in social health insurance (SHI), (2) Increase and improve the efficiency of domestic financing of HIV prevention and treatment services; (3) Strengthen the capacity of Vietnam’s supply chain management system; and (4) Integrate TB services into SHI.
2. Context of this assignment
Prevention is a critical part of the overall HIV response, but Vietnam's Social Health Insurance (SHI) Law restricts coverage to curative HIV services only. HIV preventive services have been excluded from SHI to date and instead have mainly been donor funded. Since 2019 the MOH)/DHI has developed a plan for revising the SHI Law and has been working intensely to pursue such an agenda.
The USAID Sustainable Financing for HIV (SFG) project, the precursor project to LHSS, worked closely with and provided technical support to the MOH/DHI, MOH/Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (VAAC), and Vietnam Social Security (VSS) to advocate for the inclusion of prioritized HIV prevention services into the SHI benefit package (PrEP package, HIV testing, and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) package). The SFG project conducted analysis and estimations of the additional liability for the SHI fund for 2022 – 2026 that showed the inclusion of specific HIV prevention services into SHI would have a negligible financial impact on the SHI scheme. This evidence was used to support the MOH/DHI to advocate for the inclusion of HIV prevention services into the revised SHI Law through various technical meetings, advocacy workshops, and policy dialogues. Currently, the MOH/DHI is preparing to send the SHI Law revision proposal package to the National Assembly, tentatively scheduled between September – October 2021. The LHSS project will continue to provide technical assistance to the MOH/DHI in the final revision of the draft revised SHI Law and facilitate the SHI Law revision project for the National Assembly's approval.
Increased the SHI premium rate is one of the new points proposed in the draft revised SHI Law. To facilitate the implementation of this policy as the revised SHI Law takes effect, the MOH/DHI will develop a new Decree on adjustment of the SHI premium rate. LHSS will also support the MOH/DHI in the development of this Decree.
LHSS will engage two national consultants to provide technical assistance and work with the MOH/DHI on this portfolio of activities. The first Consultant - senior national Consultant will be the resource person to support TWG in SHI Law revision in writing and reviewing the SHI Law dossier preparation, facilitating and presenting in any policy dialogues and inter-ministerial meetings. The second Consultant will support the TWG on SHI Law revision and the SHI writing team on consolidating all comments and technical documents, preparing and organizing technical meetings and workshops on SHI law revision, and coordinating with different MOH departments and other related ministries.
1. Senior National Consultant 1: Provide technical inputs and advisory supports for the TWG on SHI Law revision
To complete the task, the Consultant must participate in different meetings, technical discussions, and consultation workshops with the SHI law drafting team, key stakeholders from MOH, MOH/DHI, VSS, etc., to provide expert inputs and advisory ideas.
2. Consultant 2: Provide technical inputs, consolidate technical comments and manage/update revised SHI dossier documents.
To complete the task, the Consultant must participate in different meetings, technical discussions, and consultation workshops with the SHI law drafting team, key stakeholders from MOH, MOH/DHI, VSS, etc., to provide expert inputs.
1. Location
The work will be carried out in Hanoi, traveling to the provinces, if needed.
2. Timing
The assignment is planned for the period from April 2021 through August 2021.
1. Qualification requirements
2. Equipment
The consultants use his/her computer and equipment as necessary to carry out the work.
Note: With respect to any reports, data, or information produced by the Consultant in the course of performing tasks under this work order, Abt Associates shall have unlimited rights to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose, and to have or permit others to do so. The Consultant will fully disclose, deliver, and transfer to Abt Associates and the Consultant irrevocably assigns to Abt Associates its entire right, title, and interest in and to any and all ideas, methods, inventions, devices, and improvements, originating, conceived, acquired, or developed by the Consultant, either solely or jointly with others, in connections with this Consulting Agreement. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive expiration or termination of this Consulting Agreement.
To apply, please send your application documents to the following email: [email protected]
Deadline: 17th Apr 2021
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.