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National Consultant to Conduct Research on the Effective, Equitable and Adequate Health Budget Allocation in Vietnam

Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Vietnam


To conduct the research on the effective, equitable and adequate health budget allocation in Vietnam


1.1.   Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Project in Vietnam

The global USAID LHSS project helps low- and middle-income countries transition to sustainable, self-funded health finance systems that support high-performing overall health systems. The LHSS activity in Vietnam will work with the Government of Vietnam (GVN) to advance greater local ownership of HIV and TB prevention and control. Led by Abt Associates, the four-year activity will support Vietnam in increasing its domestic financing for HIV and TB services in the context of declining donor funding, in using government resources more efficiently, and in assuming local ownership of HIV and TB prevention and control activities. Specific objectives are: (1) Support the GVN to strengthen its public financial management systems for public sector health and find greater efficiencies in social health insurance (SHI), (2) Increase and improve the efficiency of domestic financing of HIV prevention and treatment services; (3) Strengthen the capacity of Vietnam's supply chain management system; and (4) Integrate TB services into SHI.

1.2.   Context of the assignment

In Vietnam, the state budget plays a critical role in protecting public health and ensuring equity in health care. Investing in health is crucial for improving human capital and sustainable development of the country. Resolution 18/2008/QH12 dated 3 June 2008 of the National Assembly on promoting healthcare service of people obliges the GVN to ensure the provision of sufficient resources in the health sector with principles of (i) increasing the allocation ratio of annual health budget so that the growth rate of health spending is higher than the economic growth; (ii) allocating at least 30% of health spending for prevention. Sufficient state budget in the health sector can lead to better health care for the poor, implementation of national health targets, epidemic control, and district health system upgrades.

Budgeting is a critical step in showing and justifying the evidence-based spending needs of the health sector to the overall state budget allocation. This process currently is conducted by the MOH with guidelines from the MOF and Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). Preliminary analysis of the budget in the health sector has shown limitations and challenges in the planning and budgeting process such as i) lack of disaggregated data on the health budget across sectors[1]; ii) budgeting is still based on inputs, not on outputs, outcomes or performance-based; and iv) there is still a separation between capital expenditure and recurrent expenditure[2].

As it is useful for government agencies and LHSS to fully understand the budgetary process of Vietnam related to the allocation, use and reporting of state budgets in the health sector at both central and local levels so that they could support and advise the MOH, MOF and related agencies to ensure more efficient and appropriate allocation and use of budgets to better implement healthcare priorities in Vietnam. This is even more important at this stage as the MOH is preparing its medium-term budgeting for the period 2021-2023.

As per LHSS Vietnam objectives on supporting the GVN to strengthen its public financial management systems for the public health sector, LHSS Vietnam is seeking a senior expert in public finance to assist LHSS Vietnam to conduct research on the budgetary process in the health sector, the role of the stakeholders and gaps for effective, equitable and adequate budget allocation in the health sector in Vietnam. Click HERE for detailed TOR.


2.1.   Objectives

This research aims to document and analyze possible gaps in the budgetary process that hinder the effective, equitable and adequate budget allocation in health in Vietnam. This is done through analysis and presentation of (i) key actors and processes for a strategic allocation and use of health budget at both national and sub-national levels; and (ii) specific recommendations on how the budgetary process could be more effective, equitable and adequate for better implementation of the health budget.

2.2.   Tasks

  • Work closely with LHSS Vietnam, LHSS Vietnam’s experts, and relevant Vietnam government counterparts, including the MOH, MOF among others, to:
  • Conduct a review on the current regulatory framework and process of budgeting in the health sector in the health sector in Vietnam;
  • Assess current budgeting processes by actors in the health sector, at both national and provincial level;
  • Map out the related stakeholders for the whole budgeting process in the health sector, their roles and their contributions during the consultative process;
  • Compare recent budget estimates versus actual approved budgets in the health sector, by different actors across levels and functional departments within recent 5 years, from 2015 onwards;
  • Draft recommendations on how the budgetary process could be more effective, equitable and adequate for better implementation of the health budget;
  • Consult relevant Vietnam government counterparts and LHSS Vietnam to obtain necessary support and inputs for the research; and
  • Present findings at a dissemination workshop.

2.3.   Deliverables

  • A concrete report on the budgetary process in the health sector in Vietnam (maximum 45 pages excluding annexes in either Vietnamese or English with a two-page executive summary in English) with recommendations for an improved health sector budget allocation process.
  • Presentation and other relevant documents.


The assignment for the expert is in Hanoi on a home-based basis, planned for the period from 15 May 2021 to 25 July 2020.


4.1.   Qualification requirements

  1. An advanced degree (minimum Master, PhD preferable) in economics, finance, public policy or equivalent, and have at least 10 years of relevant work experience, particularly in public finance and health financing.
  2. Excellent knowledge of fiscal policy, state budget management, Social Health Insurance (SHI) issues and key stakeholders in Vietnam, including experience with MOF, MOH and MPI.
  3. Good understanding of the public finance and health sector in Vietnam.
  4. Demonstrated ability to work effectively with government counterparts and coordinate various actors such as different MOF, MOH, MPI, other ministries and government agencies, donors and NGOs.
  5. Excellent oral and written communication skills in Vietnamese. Good English communication is desirable.

4.2.   Equipment

The consultants use his/her computer and equipment as necessary to carry out the work.

Note: With respect to any reports, data, or information produced by the Consultant in the course of performing tasks under this work order, Abt Associates shall have unlimited rights to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose, and to have or permit others to do so. The Consultant will fully disclose, deliver, and transfer to Abt Associates and the Consultant irrevocably assigns to Abt Associates its entire right, title, and interest in and to any and all ideas, methods, inventions, devices, and improvements, originating, conceived, acquired, or developed by the Consultant, either solely or jointly with others, in connections with this Consulting Agreement. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the expiration or termination of this Consulting Agreement.

To apply, please send your application documents to the following email address: p[email protected]

Deadline: 23rd Apr 2021

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

[1] ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) Annual Consultation Report on Vietnam 2017, 2018

[2] World Bank’s PER on Vietnam: Fiscal Policies towards Sustainability, Efficiency, and Equity (Vol. 2 Sectoral Chapters), 2017


Organization: Abt Associates
Application deadline: 2021-04-23
Send application to: [email protected]