Location: Vietnam. This consultancy will be completed online, working remotely with staff.
Closing date: 8th July 2021
ChildFund Sport for Development's programs provide children with opportunities to play, learn and grow. Using integrated sport and life skills learning, young people from vulnerable communities are equipped to overcome challenges, inspire positive social change and take active leadership roles within their communities. Under ChildFund Australia’s guidance, all Sport for Development programs contribute to achieving gender equality, reducing inequality, and ending violence against children, reflecting targets within the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The ChildFund Sport for Development (S4D) team requires services to deliver project cycle management training for staff and partners in Vietnam. Partners in Vietnam are experienced Sport for Development (S4D) Coaches with skills in managing community activities and relationships, however, they have limited experience managing projects in a more formal context.
Training will evidence the following results:
Please find details in this Terms of Reference.
You are expected to remain alert and responsive to any child safeguarding and Sexual Exploitation, Abuse or Harassment (SEAH) risks and conduct yourself in a manner consistent with Child Safeguarding and Prevention of SEAH Policies.