Technical Consultant for Private Sector Training Curriculum
PROJECT: The Greater Mekong Subregion Elimination of Malaria through Surveillance (GEMS+) project
Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Greater Mekong Subregion Elimination of Malaria through Surveillance (GEMS+) program to support national and regional initiatives towards malaria elimination. The program aims to increase capacity of the private sector in malaria service provision, malaria case management, and malaria case reporting to strengthen malaria surveillance systems and accelerate progress towards national malaria elimination goals within each of the four countries.
Provider Training including Test, treatment service and reporting is important component to support private sector to perform Malaria care at the high-risk communities. Training workshops are opportunities to provide hands-on capacity building to the selected providers. Training covers: (i) an introduction to malaria, (ii) proper use of a malaria rapid diagnostic test, (iii) national treatment guidelines and (iv) how to correctly fill reporting such as 24h case notification for private clinics which provided accurate malaria case data. Case notification within 24 hours is one of the requirements for private sector data to be integrated into national reporting system.
PSI/V also provided frequent on-site refresh trainings within the provider network as a formalized method of engagement, supplementing the routine supportive supervision and quality assurance.
In transition period between 2020-2021, PSI/V have been able to involve provincial partners such as CDC and DOH to provide trainings for private providers (private clinics and pharmacies) in the network in all 4 provinces. The training content and materials developed by PSI/V which based on national guidelines.
To revise and update the training content which use for transition plan, PSI is looking for 02 technical consultants who will work together and closely with PSI/V Health Services team to complete the below scope of work.
No | Key Responsibility for 01 technical consultant | Estimated days (Up to) |
1 | Review current Malaria training material applied for public facilities according to national guideline and PSI current malaria training materials | 01 day |
2 | Revise, edit and develop Malaria training materials which is suitable and easy applied to private providers following the updated national guidelines | 02 days |
Interested candidates are requested to submit detailed curriculum vitae (CV) with a letter of interest as well as copies of relevant certificates/degrees as soon as possible (ASAP) to email: [email protected] by 18 August 2021. Please do not contact via telephone. Dossier will not be returned.