VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Consultant to Develop Training Materials and Conduct Training

Center for Sustainable Development of Mountainous Communities (SUDECOM) is seeking Consultants:

  • To prepare training materials on Effective management of start-up projects, risk deduction management, and links to supply chains;  
  • To conduct a 3-day-training- centralized-course in Yen Bai City, Yen Bai Province;
  • To provide on-job training to the start-up initiatives after the centralized training;
  • To prepare a plan for organizing meetings on experiences sharing among social civil organizations, enterprises, social enterprises and 12 project start-up initiatives for improving real experiences and promoting the supply chain.

Under the Project: “Participate: Empowered CSOs and ethnic minority youth for active participation in decision making in Yen Bai, Vietnam" (Grand contract: CSO-LA/2019/409-730) funded by the European Union.

Please see the Full of Term of Reference for your reference by the link below:

And are available for consultation at the Center for Sustainable Development of Mountainous Communities (SUDECOM) – Alley 332, Dinh Tien Hoang street, Group 3, Yen Thinh Ward, Yen Bai City, Yen Bai Province.

Email : [email protected]

Contact: Ha Mai Chi (Ms.)

Phone number: 0982 881 339

The deadline submission of profiles: 09:00 AM, 30th August 2021.

Organization: SUDECOM
Application deadline: 2021-08-30
Send application to: [email protected]