VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

IT Consultants to Develop COVID-19 Specimen Management System


For IT consultants to develop COVID-19 specimen management system

I. Background

The new virulent coronavirus (COVID-19) has set off an unprecedented massive pandemic in 21st century, spreading over 200 countries/territories with 205 million cases and more than 4 million deaths. The number of cases in Vietnam has escalated rapidly to 250 thousand cases in August 2021 which brings a heavy burden on the healthcare system, especially the specimen information and results management.

The ongoing transmission of COVID-19 in the country has highlighted the need for more efficient specimen management and faster test results. Therefore, COVID-19 specimen management system project aims to develop tools for managing specimen data and test results for COVID-19 patients.

PATH will aim to achieve an inclusive objective throughout the life of the project with key outcomes as follows:

  • Outcome 1: Design and develop an electronic tool to facilitate the collection and management of specimens for diagnosis (e.g. SARS-CoV-2) in Vietnam
  • Outcome 2: Pilot the system at various specimen collection sites and testing facilities (for COVID-19 surveillance and control purposes) and evaluate the functionality and user acceptance for improvement of the software
  • Outcome 3: Introduce and expand the use of software to target users including regional institutes, provincial Centers of Disease Control (CDC) and other testing facilities.

II.     Scope of work

- Design and develop a computer software system (hereafter referred to as “the tool”) to facilitate the collection and management of specimens for diagnosis (e.g. SARS-CoV-2 in Vietnam with the following functions:

  • Facilitate data entry using a data-entry form provided by PATH and National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) (specimen collection in field and test results from Lab)
  • Export Excel data files that include variables selected by the users (hereafter referred to as “pre-defined Excel forms”)
  • Import pre-defined Excel files from multiple users (or multiple field sites)
  • Import laboratory test results in Excel, csv format, etc.
  • Have a system management module that facilitate the management of various types of users (including system administrators, technical managers and other users who work at specimen collection site, diagnostic labs, etc.)
    • Collection site users: can view and edit the records before sending to labs
    • Lab users: can view and edit test information and send the test results to collection site users
    • Technical management users: can send information of confirmed cases (including their test results) to General Department of Preventive Medicine (GDPM) and get case identifiers (ID) from, create new collection sites and give permission for users
    • System administrators: have full access and can operate all functionso   Have a simple dashboard for data visualization for analyzes and report (% positive by collection site/ district, number of collection spec by collection site/ district)
  • Send emails that deliver test results to end-users
  • Exchange data about confirmed cases (F0) with
  • Filter by: specimen number, specimen collection date, test result, locations (multiple choices, e.g.  district, site, commune).

- Use opensource code to develop the tool and allow sharing its source codes with other users in low middle-income countries.

- Support the operation of the tool in some local specimen collection sites and testing facilities to evaluate functionality of the system, identify and fix any issues related to the operation of the tool in 12 months after completion of the tool design.

- Hand-over the source codes of the tool to PATH

- Prepare the infrastructure during development and testing (e.g. internet connection for testing the tool)

- Being flexible to reasonable changes in the design and functions of the tool as suggested by PATH, NIHE (representing potential users).

- Work closely with NIHE, PATH staffs and attend the meeting if requested.

III.  Deliverables and timeline

During the period from September 1 to December 15, 2021, the consultant will work closely with PATH staff and project partners to develop and pilot the COVID-19 specimen data management tools. The consultant will conduct the specified activities and submit to PATH the required deliverables according to the timeline below:






Develop Demo version:

-    1st version of the Business System Analysis requirements and logic model in deployment documents.

-    Prototyped version is developed

-    Demo version is live and ready for testing, and rectifying/improving

-    The 1st version of the Business System Analysis requirements and logic model

Sep 30, 2021

Estimate 22 days


Develop 1st version of

-    User manual

-    Administration and deployment guide

-    A draft user manual

-    A draft administration and deployment guide

Oct 5, 2021

Estimate 3 days


Pilot in 2 provinces

-    A pilot agenda

Nov 15, 2021

Estimate 5 days


Complete final version:

-    Final version is live

-    Source codes uploaded to the GitHub repository

-    A final version of deliverables listed in lanes no. 1 and 2

Dec 15, 2021

Estimate 5 days

Total estimated days

35 days

IV.     Qualifications of consultants

  • Being a Vietnamese citizen
  • Having at least 3 years of experience in developing data management systems
  • Experienced in working independently to full-fill short term deliverables
  • Having strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Experience in developing health information system for GDPM and NIHE is preferred, but not required.
  • Having experience in developing COVID-19 information system is an advantage.

V.    How to apply

Applicants will submit their application package to Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Nhung via email at [email protected], with the subject line: “Application for IT consultant – Full name”.

Deadline for application: 14:00 PM, September 3rd, 2021.

The application package includes:

  • A cover letter explaining why you should be selected
  • Curriculum Vitae / Resume


Organization: PATH
Application deadline: 2021-09-03
Send application to: [email protected]