VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Individual Consultant to Provide Technical Support for Project Endline Evaluation


Save the Children is the leading global independent organization for children. Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. Around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, and children are most vulnerable, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We ensure children’s unique needs are met and their voices are heard. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach.

SC has been implementing the project “Saving children’s lives in vulnerable communities” funded by GSK to increase the use of maternal and newborn health services since 2016. The first phase of the project was conducted in Commune Health Centers (Tram Tau district) and Tram Tau District Health Centre (DHC) and Nghia Lo hospitals in Yen Bai province of Vietnam from November 2016 to October 2019. The second phase of project had been implemented from November 2019 to March 2021 to sustain and replicate successful MNC interventions and best practices in hard to reach communes of Tram Tau district and in six additional marginalized communes of Van Chan district respectively in the northern province of Yen Bai.  In the third phase of the project from April 2021 to December 2021, successful MNC interventions and best practices have been scaled up in five disadvantage communes of Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai province where antenatal care, home delivery, obstetric and newborn intensive care remain significant problems.

The overall goal of the project to increase the use of maternal and newborn health services in Commune Health Centers, Tram Tau, Van Chan and Mu Cang Chai districts, and Nghia Lo hospital, Yen Bai province, Vietnam.

To achieve this goal, SC has cooperated with Commune Health Centers, Tram Tau, Van Chan and Mu Cang Chai districts, and Nghia Lo hospital, Yen Bai province to (1) Increased community awareness and action on using healthy maternal and newborn health practices and behaviors; (2) Increased availability, accessibility, and use  of basic maternal and newborn care services in Commune Health Centers (CHCs); (3) Improved Newborn Care Units (NBCU) in Mu Cang Chai DHC and to improve NCUs in Nghia Lo General Hospital, Van Chan and Tram Tau DHCs; and (4) Established Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) Units in Tram Tau district Health Center and Nghia Lo General hospital. 

To evaluate the achievements, effectiveness, sustainability and scalability of the implemented project activities, SC is seeking an individual consultant who will be responsible for developing a proposal for this evaluation, conducting data collection and analysis, and writing an evaluation report. The consultant will present the evaluation’s findings in the dissemination workshop with participation of relevant stakeholders in December 2021. The results will be also informed to the donor.

Please find TOR attached HERE.

Vacancy: Individual consultant to provide technical support for Enline Evaluation of the project “Saving children’s lives in vulnerable communities” in Yen Bai

1. Objective and scope of study

This evaluation isbeing conducted at the endof the project - “Saving children’s lives in vulnerable communities” in Yen Bai province. It will build upon the baseline and others studies previously conducted.

The primary purpose of the evaluation is to assess the results of the project to see how intended outcomes have been achieved. It also aims to set out good practices and lessons learnt, contributing to better implementation of similar programs. The information gathered from the evaluation will be used to gain insights into project performance and its achievements of intended outcomes.

The study main objectives are:

  • Evaluate whether the project achievements against its initially expected project objectives, outcomes, outputs through a set of project indicators
  • Evaluate how and why did the intervention make a difference including seven criteria (Accountability, Safe programing, Coherence, Effectiveness, Equity and equality, Relevance, Sustainability)

The Evaluation Team will be required to undertake consultation with SC staff at the commencement of the evaluation in order to further refine the Study questions.

Scope: The evaluation will assess the whole project performance from its start to its end and will be conducted mainly in project sites of Van Chan, Tram Tau, Mu Cang Chai district, and Nghia Lo general hospital, Yen Bai province. The evaluation will involve the project’s partners, their networks, and stakeholders at different levels who have been involved in the project. In specific, visits and discussions will be made to:

  • Leader of Provincial Department of Health of Yen Bai province
  • Leader and health staff of District Health centers of Van Chan, Tram Tau, Mu Cang Chai district; Nghia Lo general hospital
  • Health staff of Coummune Health centers and Village health workers; influencers
  • Beneficaries (Ethnic minority mothers, family members)

The findings of the Evaluation will be shared in a project final dissemination workshop with its key partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries.

2. Expected outputs/deliverables

The study deliverables and tentative timeline (subject to the commencement date of the evaluation) are outlined below. The Evaluation Team Leader and SC Project Managerwill agree on final milestones and deadlines at the inception phase.

  • 01 full evaluation report in Vietnamese and English;
  • 01 summary report in Vietnamese and English;
  • PowerPoint presentation of Study findings in Vietnamese and English
  • Evidence to Action Brief in Vietnamese and English **
  • Form of data entry (for questionnaire)
  • Raw and cleaned data set (for questionnaire)
  • List of codes with frequencies (for qualitative data analysis)
  • List of codes with connections between them (for qualitative data analysis)
  • Raw data set (or transcripts of FGDs and IDIs)
  • Consent form

3. Tentative Timeline

  • Start date: 17 September 2021
  • End date: 16 December 2021
  • Estimated number of working days: 40

4. Consultant Selection Criteria

  • §Postgraduate degree in Medicine, Public Health or Social Science. Experience in Obstetrics and/or Pediatrics is preferred.
  • At least 5 years of experience in conducting studies in health projects.
  • At least 5 years of experience and use of qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods (collection and analysis).
  • Understanding of political, cultural, education and social context in Vietnam
  • Strong written and verbal skills in communicating technical and/ or complex findings to non-specialist audiences (especially report writing and presentation skills)
  • High English proficiency.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, quantitative & qualitative data analysis software (SPSS, STATA, EPIDATA, NVivo, ATLAS.ti, etc.).

5. Payment terms

  • 100% of the total cost payable within 10 days of satisfactory completion of all deliverables and approved by SC.
  • The Fees are inclusive of all costs, overheads and expenses, including travel, subsistence and accommodation and other related costs.

6. How to apply

The candidate should submit a technical proposal, financial proposal and CV through email address:[email protected]

The deadline for responses is: 06 September 2021 (5pm)


Organization: Save the Children
Application deadline: 2021-09-06
Send application to: [email protected]