Project for Enhancing the Sustainable Natural Resource Management phase 2
Improving and Upgrading the VNFOREST’s Forest Resource Monitoring System
The Consultant Office of the Project for Enhancing the Sustainable Natural Resource Management phase 2 (hereinafter referred to as SNRM2) kindly invites agencies and companies (hereinafter referred to as “Candidates”) to send their Letter of Interest on the implementation of technical services of improvement and upgradation of the VNFOREST’s Forest Resource Monitoring System (FRMS). The bid winner will join a service contract with the SMRM2. All quotations are calculated using cost norms in the “UN-EU Guidelines for the financing of local costs in development cooperation with Vietnam (version 2017)” and procurement regulations of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
A. Background
The Project for Enhancing the Sustainable Natural Resource Management phase 2 (SNRM2 Project) is funded by Japan Government and Vietnam Government, to be implemented by Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The overall goal of the project is “The country’s capacity for maximizing multiple benefits derived from forest ecosystem is enhanced, which contributes to improved livelihoods of local people and mitigation of climate change impact through promotion of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), REDD+ and biodiversity conservation.”
The VNFOREST is operating the Forest Resource Monitoring System (FRMS) in accordance with MARD’s decision number 4539/QD-BNN-TCLN dated 06/11/2017. This system was developed by (completed) FORMIS II Project, and contains 3 major components which are FRMS Database, FRMS Web, and FRMS Desktop. After several years of operation, there have been a bulk of shortages, bugs, and errors existing that make system unstable operation. In addition, the country is carrying out a program of adjusting the administrative boundaries and the MARD also has issued its Circular number 33/2018/TT-BNNPTNT which came to be effective from 01 January 2019. These legal bases require the FRMS to be improved and its related data has to be updated accordingly. In consulting with SNRM2, the FPD proposes a list of work items for improving and upgrading the FRMS.
The SNRM2’s Consultant Office led by Japan Forest Technology Association (JAFTA) is providing technical services to the Project. The Project is being implemented from May 2021 to March 2025, as a success of the SNRM Project (2015-2021).
One of the six outputs of the Project is “Enhanced National Forest Monitoring System is promoted” with the improvement of the current VNFOREST’s FRMS to become a national database system, compliant with the Law on Forestry and current regulations on forest monitoring.
The winner in the bid on improving and upgrading the FRMS will carry out and deliver to SNRM2 Project the following technical works and services:
1. Central Database:
2. FRMS Web:
3. FRMS Desktop:
4. FRMS Mobile:
All work items above will be implemented under the proposal of VNFOREST/FPD and designed and supervised by the SNRM2 Project. Each of the work items must be documented properly in Vietnamese the procedures, steps, resources used.
B. Expression of interest and bidding
Interested candidates should address their Letter of Interest to the SNRM-2 Consultant Office by 17th September 2021. All Letters of Interest shall be attached with necessary documents to show their capacity and solutions to solve the issues. In case of a joint-name, a representative bidder will be nominated as a contractor with the SNRM2’s Consultant Office.
Based on the letters of interest received, the SNRM-2’s Consultant Office will evaluate and select a shortlist to send the Letter of Invitation for Bid, if there are a sufficient number of candidates who qualified with all conditions in this letter. Letter of Invitation for Bid and necessary documents will be sent to the shortlisted candidates by the middle of September 2021, and the deadline for submission of bidding is by the end of September 2021, tentatively.
C. Criteria to shortlist candidates
Compulsory requirements:
Advantage criteria:
D. A set of bidding documents and materials
(In the case of a joint-name, each of the sub-contractors needs to submit the same materials mentioned above).
The deadline for the SNRM2’s Consultant Office to receive the Letter of Interest in PDF format is at 05:00 PM, 17th September 2021. All letters and documents should be addressed to:
Consultant Office of Project for Enhancing the Sustainable Natural Resource Management
Room #608, DMC Building, 535 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Email: [email protected]
Contact person: Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh – FRMS Coordinator
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and invited for further steps in the bidding procedure.