VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Tourism Crisis Management Plan Training Consultant

Terms of Reference


Tourism Crisis Management Plan Training Consultant


Hanoi, Lao Cai and Son La, Vietnam


November 2021-March 2022

Maximum Budget:

AUD 12,000

About Us

With more than 35 years of experience, Cowater International is Canada’s global leader in management consulting services specialising in international development. We have managed the implementation of over 2500 projects in more than 95 countries around the globe for clients such as DFID, DFAT Australia, the European Union, the World Bank and Global Affairs Canada. We work with governments, partner organisations, communities and civil society to design and implement sustainable solutions that generate lasting social, economic and environmental impacts. Our adaptive approach to management has led to our award-winning work and recognition as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies from 2017 to 2021.


The GREAT Program is a flagship initiative of the Australian aid program in Vietnam – it commenced in November 2017 and the current phase will run for five years to June 2022. The Program is promoting women’s economic empowerment (WEE) in the ethnically diverse north-west region of Vietnam. The primary beneficiaries are women living in the provinces of Son La and Lao Cai with an overarching emphasis placed on the inclusion of women from ethnic minority communities

The objectives of the Aus4Equality|GREAT Program are:

  • Objective 1 Empowering local women: Women living in local communities have increased capacity, space and choices to beneficially engage with agriculture and tourism businesses.
  • Objective 2 Inclusive businesses partnerships: Selected private sector actors within the agriculture and tourism sectors innovate to profitably and sustainably trade with more women entrepreneurs and operate in gender sensitive ways.
  • Objective 3 Improving sector governance and policy: Government agencies reinforce policies, and enact plans, regulations and services that enable more inclusive socio-economic development.

The Program is partnering with approximately 50 organisations to deliver results, including private sector actors, governmental and non-governmental organisations, and research institutions. GREAT currently has a portfolio of seven tourism investments spanning community-based tourism, policy, training and destination development.  Additionally, there are three other investments in handicrafts and medicinal herbs which have a strong crossover with the tourism industry.

Tourism has an important role to play in North-West Vietnam as it generates income generating opportunities and jobs, particularly for women and youth.  Being labour intensive, it has relatively low barriers of entry for service-level jobs as well as micro and small businesses that service the sector.

COVID-19 is and will continue to have, a significant impact on GREAT partners and target beneficiaries.  The collapse of international tourism has negatively affected community-based tourism, homestay owners and service providers. To respond to both immediate and longer-term challenges, GREAT has developed a COVID-19 Response and Recovery Plan that both refines and supplements current Program activities.

Cowater International is now seeking proposals from qualified organisations to design and implement a training on crisis management planning to support tourism stakeholders in Son La and Lao Cai respond to COVID-19 and future shocks to the sector.


The training has the following objectives:

  • Raise awareness of local authorities and businesses on risk/crisis management in tourism;
  • Guide local authorities and businesses to identify and rate potential risks that may negatively impact the tourism sector; and  
  • Motivate local government and business to develop a crisis management plan and mechanisms to respond to future tourism shocks.

Target Participants

  • Department of Culture Sport and Tourism and other relevant provincial agencies such as Planning and Investment, Environment and Resources, Finance, Security, Health, Transport (Lao Cai and Son La)
  • Department of Culture and Information other relevant district agencies such as Planning and Investment, Environment and Resources, Finance, Security, Health, Transport (Sapa, Bat Xat, Bac Ha, Moc Chau and Van Ho)
  • Tourism associations
  • Local tourism business (hotels, tour operators, restaurants)
  • Community-based tourism service group leaders
  • Local media


The approach can include online and offline training and should have a strong practical orientation. It should include reflection on what action has been taken to date to respond to COVID-19 as a real-life case study.

The key steps are outlined below:


  • Initial briefing with GREAT and the Department of Culture Sport and Tourism from Son La and Lao Cai
  • Design and conduct rapid needs assessment
  • Finalise methodology and work plan

Training Design

  • Develop training curriculum
  • Develop training material
  • Develop training plan

Conduct Training

  • Work with local partners to recruit and screen participants
  • Work with local partners to recruit and screen participants
  • Deliver training courses (estimated at two cohorts for each province)


  • Conduct evaluation to measure change in capacity and prepare final report.

Expected Outcomes

  • At least 50 participants across Lao Cai and Son La have improved knowledge of crisis management planning;
  • Potential risks that could impact negatively impact the tourism industry are identified and rated; and
  • There is a commitment from local government and business to develop a crisis management plan and mechanisms to respond to future tourism shocks with next steps identified.


The key assignment deliverables are:

  • Rapid needs assessment and proposed approach (4 weeks after signing the contract)
  • Draft and finalise training material and plan (December 2021)
  • Delivered courses (January – February 2022)
  • Training evaluation report (March 2022)


The maximum budget available is AUD 12,000 and needs to cover:

  • Design and delivery of the training including trainer/mentor costs;
  • Logistics and support for participants;
  • Staff costs; and
  • Management costs.


This opportunity is open to local organisations. Organisations need to have:

  • Strong understanding of crisis management;
  • Prior experience in designing and delivering similar training;
  • A good understanding of the tourism sector: and
  • A minimum of seven years relevant professional experience.

How to Apply

Proposals need to be sent to [email protected] before 5pm Hanoi time on 8 November 2021 with the subject line “Tourism Crisis Management Plan Training Response”.  Late applications will be not considered.

The proposal needs to include:

  • The business or organisation’s experience relevant to the assignment (maximum four pages);
  • Proposed methodology (maximum four pages);
  • The proposed team member/s and CV’s: and
  • Proposed budget, specifying:
    • Activity budget;
    • Staffing (specify daily rates); and
    • Management fee.

A final budget will be negotiated with the successful applicants that is inclusive of daily rate, management fees, travel and DSA and all activity costs.

The successful Applicant will need to sign a contract that is compliant with Cowater International’s Head Contract with the Australian Government including the full copywrite ownership of all deliverables from this assignment.


Organization: Aus4Equality|GREAT Program
Location: Hanoi, Lao Cai and Son La
Application deadline: 2021-11-08
Send application to: [email protected]