VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Call for Proposal - Moodle and Digital Literacy Course

Call for proposals

Design and host an interprovincial learning platform on Moodle and a blended digital literacy course for school leaders and core teachers


VVOB is currently implementing the following programmes/projects:

  • Early Chilhood Education programme: Mitigating Preschool Children’s Barriers to Learning in Disadvantaged and Ethnically Diverse Districts (BaMi), funded by the Belgian Federal Government, Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGD).
  • Primary Education project: Integrating Play-based Learning Activities for Young learners (iPLAY) (2019-2023), funded by The LEGO Foundation.
  • Primary Education project: Blended Learning for Educators in a Global Network for Development (BLEND) (2021-2023), funded by The LEGO Foundation.

This call focuses on the Primary Education projects from October 2021 and will be completed in November 2023.

Objectives of the call

Through this consultancy, VVOB’s aims are twofold:

  • Design and host a learning platform on Moodle to host VVOB courses for the BLEND programme.
  • Design and facilitate a blended Moodle course on digital literacy in Vietnamese for around 1,100 learners in the four project provinces.

The main objectives of this consultancy can be summarised as follows:

  • To design a new VVOB Vietnam interprovincial learning platform on Moodle, designed to:
    • be visually appealing;
    • engage users through playful and creative design;
    • offer the most optimal user experience and interface;
    • be adjustable with new content from VVOB and contributions from the learner community.
  • To host the new VVOB Vietnam interprovincial learning platform on Moodle, with the following properties:
    • server and data storage located in Vietnam;
    • monitoring of the platform;
    • providing technical support for users of the platform;
    • regular backups (weekly);
    • disaster recovery procedure;
    • regular checks on security of the server;
    • updating security patches;
    • system upgrades when required;
    • user requirements: expected 1,100 active users;
    • response time: within two working days.
  • To design a professional blended Moodle course on digital literacy with following criteria:
    • user-friendly interface;
    • visually appealing;
    • designed with gamification elements;
    • useable in both face-to-face, blended, or online modalities;
    • variety of challenging, interactive, and engaging learning components;
    • variety of automated assessments and pre-programmed feedback and tips;
    • allows for practice via interactive stories and videos;
    • high-quality audio-visual materials;
    • downloadable interactive course materials;
    • identify key content and skills for digital literacy for this Moodle learning platform.
  • To facilitate a professional blended Moodle training on digital literacy in collaboration with VVOB’s programme staff as follows:
    • 26 trainings spread over the four target provinces;
    • each training consists of 1,5 training days.


We accept proposals up to 100,000 USD (excluding per diem, accommodation, and transportation for face-to-face training courses). Proposals above 100,000 USD will not be accepted.The proposed budget should cover all possible expenses - including all applicable taxes - attached to the delivery of the services.

VVOB is inviting bidders to come up with a proposal containing at least:

  • Company’s profile - if applicable;
  • Company’s/consultant’s registration document, banking details confirmed by bank, the financial statements of the last 3 years;
  • CV of all engaged members;
  • A sample of a Moodle design/design proposal based on VVOB’s perceived image, with illustration of interface and specific learning activities;
  • A concept of an e-course on digital literacy;
  • A sample of the team’s portfolio;
  • At least 3 reference contacts of previous work assignments;
  • Proposed timeline and key activities for the completion of the assignments;
  • A breakdown of the costs of the single elements: design of Moodle website, hosting of the Moodle website, development of the blended course and the sub-components to develop the course (automated assessments, interactive videos, etc), facilitation of the blended course. All costs proposed are tax and other fees included. This quotation also needs to include sufficient information: names, addresses and phone numbers of suppliers, duration of quotation validity, payment method and payment term. The breakdown should be presented in VVOB’s template.

The closing date for proposals is 15 November 2021, (9.00AM VNT)

Proposals need to be sent in English by email to:[email protected]and [email protected]

Please find attached full Call for Proposals.

Organization: VVOB
Application deadline: 2021-11-15
Send application to: [email protected]; [email protected]