RFQ Release Date: November 12, 2021
Questions Due Date: November 15, 2021. Submission of questions or requests for clarification must be submitted in writing via email to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] and [email protected] by 5:00 pm Hanoi. Please note that inquiries and answers to inquiries will be shared with all applicants. Please do not contact any FHI 360 employees regarding this RFQ. Contacting individual employees may be cause for disqualification. No Telephone Inquiries Will Be Answered.
Quotation Due Date: November 17, 2021. Complete proposals must be submitted via email to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] and [email protected] no later than 5:00pm Hanoi
The Family Health International (FHI 360) is a nonprofit international development organization dedicated to improving lives in integrated and locally driven solutions. FHI 360 works in health, education, nutrition, environment, economic development, civil society, gender, youth, research, technology, communication and social marketing etc. Headquartered in Durham, North Carolina, FHI 360 serves more than 60 countries and all U.S. states and territories. FHI 360’s work is grounded in research and by advancing science, strengthened by partnerships and focused on building the capacity of individuals, communities and countries to succeed.
FHI 360 office in Vietnam with funding from USAID is implementing the “Support to End TB” Project which aims to support the Government of Vietnam to successfully detect, treat and prevent TB, working at all levels of the health system to build technical expertise. This will be done by expanding upon the National TB Program (NTP)’s “Double X (2X) Strategy”, in which CXR is the first screening test for TB, followed by GeneXpert. In order for CXR to effectively identify those with abnormal lung findings and avoid potentially unnecessary GeneXpert testing, chest X-rays (CXR) must be interpreted correctly. To this end, external quality assurance (EQA) for CXR interpretation will be provided by national level radiology experts, to compare with CXR interpretation at the district or provincial level. This will ensure accurate TB diagnosis and optimal use of screening and diagnostic resources, which is expected to improve the quality of TB screening. Experience with CXR EQA conducted under the USAID Support to End TB project may inform national level implementation of 2X by the NTP.
The contractor will support the project to read all CXR films taken during USAID SET community campaigns in seven provinces. All CXR would have been initially interpreted at the district or provincial level. Details are as follows:
Period of performance is expected to be from three to six months, depending upon the timing and duration of the campaigns. Payment will be made based on the actual number of CXR films that are interpreted during the EQA process.
FHI 360 is requesting quotations from qualified vendors with the following qualifications:
Vendors must submit to FHI 360 the following:
Applicants will be evaluated based on their experience (60 points) and budget (40 points) as detailed above.
A purchase order may be awarded in VND to the responsive vendor whose quote will be evaluated as most advantageous to FHI 360. In the event that service/deliverable requirements need to be shifted during the time period between the signature of a purchase order with the selected vendor and the actual event, FHI 360 will modify the purchase order.
Responses to this RFQ should be submitted by email to [email protected] with a a copy to [email protected] and [email protected] no later than 5:00pm Hanoi. with subject line “[QUOTATION_READING CXR FILMS SERVICE].” Any quotations received after this date and time may not be accepted and shall be considered non-responsive. FHI 360 will acknowledge receipt of the quotation by return email within 24 hours.
Any questions or requests for clarification can be submitted in writing to the same email address above by 5:00pm Hanoi, November 15, 2021. No telephone inquiries will be answered.
Request for Quotation Firm Guarantee:
All information submitted in connection with this RFQ will be valid for sixty (60) days from the RFQ due date. This includes, but is not limited to, cost, pricing, terms and conditions, service levels, and all other information. If your firm is awarded the contract, all information in the RFQ and negotiation process is contractually binding.
Offer Verification:
FHI 360 may contact offerors to confirm validity of the offer, contact person, address, and bid amount.
False Statements in Offer:
Offerors must provide full, accurate, and complete information as required by this solicitation and its attachments.