VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Consultancy for Finance Training


Client: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Southeast Asia (RLS SEA) is a registered international Non-Government-Organization (INGO) with a Representative Office in Vietnam operating in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

Office Address: House No. 8C, Alley 76, To Ngoc Van Street, Tay Ho, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Director Representative Office: Mr. Philip Degenhardt

Phone: +84 24 3718 5836

Fax: +84 24 3718 5834

Email: [email protected]



RLS SEA now calls for supplier to submit offers for an one day finance training for RLS SEA’s staff in 2021 with the detailed scope of work as follows.


Duration: one day
Class size: from 5 to 10 people
Scheduled time: 2nd week of December 2021
Venue: possibly suburban Hanoi

  1. Introduction and analysis of financial and accounting laws & regulations applied for INGOs in Vietnam and organizations receiving funds from INGOs in Vietnam. Update about the changes in the afore-mentioned laws & regulations in the recent time, if any.
    • What are the financial and accounting laws & regulations applied for INGOs in Vietnam? Update changes in the related financial and accounting laws & regulations, if any.
    • What are the financial and accounting laws & regulations applied for organizations receiving funds from INGOs in Vietnam? Update changes in the related financial and accounting laws & regulations, if any.
    • What are legal documents complying to financial/accounting/tax laws and requirements?
  2. Analysis about specific taxes applicable for INGOs in Vietnam and organizations receiving funds from INGOs in Vietnam; update about the changes in the recent time, if any: tax declaration, tax calculation, tax deduction, tax exemption, tax finalization, tax return, tax period and other requirements.
    • Personal Income Tax (PIT).
    • Foreign Contractor Tax (FCT).
    • Value Added Tax (VAT).
    • Other related taxes (if any).
  3. Instruction on how to work with tax and social insurance authorities:
    • Preparation prior to audit or inspection.
    • Guidance on document editing, efficient ways to prepare document in the form for the tax auditors.

B. Criteria for RLS SEA’s assessment of the offers:

RLS SEA will evaluate and assess the submissions of the offers upon a set of criteria. These include:

  1. Service fee.
  2. Proven capacity to provide the requested services.
  3. Track record and evidence based experiences in the provision of such services with organizations / companies in Vietnam.

C. Application:

Interested service providers are invited to submit their offers including a most updated profile and a proposal in which you state clearly the desired rate for this service.

Application should be sent via email to Ms Duong Huong Giang at: [email protected] and copied to Ms. Dao Thi Huong at [email protected], latest by 05th December 2021 at 6 PM.

Organization: RLS
Application deadline: 2021-12-05
Send application to: [email protected]; [email protected]