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Consultancy to Develop Two International Publications

Consultancy advertisement


Short-term consultancy

Scope of work:

Collaboration with the School of Law, Vietnam National University, Ha Noi on the development of two international publications


Hanoi and some provinces

I. Background: 

Wildlife trafficking is a serious transnational crime that threatens security, economic prosperity, the rule of law, long-standing conservation efforts, and human health. In recent years, WCS has gradually approached law training institutions to raise awareness of wildlife trafficking issues as well as provide future bachelor/master in law with knowledge and skills on wildlife crime prevention and combat.

Since March 2019, WCS has been working with the Hanoi Prosecution University (HPU) to develop a training module that provides students with background and in-depth knowledge on handling wildlife crimes in Vietnam. In June 2020, HPU also issued a decision to officially approve the integration of the module as a two-credit elective subject into the HPU's training system. The textbook on the role of the people's procuracy in handling wildlife cases has been developed and finalized for the course to be open for students’ selection in the 2020-2021 school year.

At the same time, since 2019, WCS has also collaborated with the Institute of Public Policy and Laws to support the School of Law, Vietnam National University, Ha Noi (VNU) to develop a reference book on “Anti-corruption in wildlife trafficking” which will be used in the Master program in State Governance and Anti-Corruption.

In order to develop similar courses/subjects in law training institutes across the country, WCS and the VNU’s research team will conduct research in order to identify the trend of integrating subject “wildlife protection” in bachelor/master program in the law training schools around the world and in Vietnam. It will be submitted for international publication to share our findings and also demonstrate Viet Nam’s effort in the deterrence of wildlife crime with the global community. 

Therefore, a local consultant is needed to facilitate the completion of this scientific paper.

II. Objectives:

Provide baseline data for a scientific article that will be used by the LS-VNU’s study team to generate a scientific publication.

III. Activity, Expected outputs/deliverables and tentative deadline 



Outputs/ deliverables

Completed by

Allotted time (# of days)

1. Perform a literature review on training curriculum integrating the subject “wildlife protection” of some universities in the world




  • Collect at least 9-10 relevant research papers on bachelor/master training program;
  • Provide an in-depth analysis from 3-4  training curriculums of overseas universities;


An overview report that presents the research situation and training curriculum integrating the subject “wildlife protection” of some universities

Jan 20th  2022

 04 days

2. Collect data on the current status and the necessity of integrating  subject “wildlife protection” into training programs in law training institutions in Vietnam




Design the survey forms (online survey and face to face survey)

  • Create a list of survey questions matching with research objectives and the expected outcome;
  • Select survey participants among lecturers, researchers, PhD, specialists from both the public and private sectors.
  • Pre-test survey questions;
  • Send to WCS & the research team for feedback and revise (if any).

Survey forms

Jan 30th, 2022

02 days

Conduct an online survey with 150 respondents  of 15-20 law training institutions

A survey report on the existing situation and the need, with an online and face-to-face interviews

Feb 15th, 2022

01 days

Interview 30 specialists of certain Vietnamese institutions with in-depth inquiries.

March 27th, 2022

05 days

Analysis and write survey report, including research team’s survey

May 30th, 2022

03  days

Total allotted time (total working days): 15 days

IV. Consultant Requirements:

  • Having Bachelor/Master degree in business management, law or education majors; having a PhD is an advantage;
  • Having at least 5 years of experience in training, developing training programs and training curriculum/materials;
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting scientific research and skills in data collection and analysis;
  • Having an understanding of the process for integrating the environmental and biodiversity issue into the training program internationally and in Viet Nam;
  • Excellent command of English required to review and synthesize documents published in English.

VII. Application procedure:

Interested candidate(s) are invited to send to [email protected] before 16:00 pm (Hanoi time), January 4, 2022.

  1. An email of interest
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Financial proposal (daily rate in VND including Personal Income Tax)
  4. Records of similar studies in the past (PDFs, hyperlinks…)

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Organization: WCS
Application deadline: 2022-01-04
Send application to: [email protected]