VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Individual Consultant to Provide Technical Support for Endline Evaluation of the School Health and Nutrition Project

Save the Children is the leading global independent organization for children. Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. Around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, and children are most vulnerable, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We ensure children’s unique needs are met and their voices are heard. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach.

Save the Children International in Vietnam (SCI Vietnam) has been implementing a project on school health and nutrition, including oral health in three provinces/cities (Hanoi, Hai Phong and HCMC/Tien Giang) since 2011 with the support from Mars Wrigley Foundation. During 10 years of implementation, the project has been successful in improving knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of students on oral health care.

In this school year (2021-2022), SCI has collaborated with Department of Education and Training (DOET) of Hai Phong city and Tien Giang province and Bureau of Education and Training (BOET) of Ha Dong district in Ha Noi city to implement School Health and Nutrition project activities at 106 current schools reaching approximately 115,628 children directly, 258 teacher/health staff/management boards and 240 parents. Two main objectives of the projects include: 1- Age-appropriate personal hygiene practices of students in project schools are improved, with a focus on oral health care, handwashing, health and nutrition; 2- The project model is scaled up to non-project schools in project provinces.

Objectives and Scope of Study

The purpose of this end-line evaluation is to capture the progress of this phase across the three project sites and to compare it to the progress of previous years.  It will build upon the baseline and studies previously conducted.

The primary purpose of the evaluation is to assess the results of the current phase of the project to see how intended outcomes have been achieved. It also aims to identify good practices and lessons learnt, contributing to better implementation of similar programs. The information gathered from the evaluation will be used to gain insights into project performance and its achievements of intended outcomes.

The study main objectives are:

  • Evaluate whether the project achieved its expected project objectives, outcomes, and outputs through a set of project indicators and targets.
  • Evaluate how and the degree of influence the project had to change seven criteria areas namely: accountability, safe programing, coherence, effectiveness,equity and equality, relevance,sustainability

The Evaluation team will be required to undertake consultation with SC staff at the commencement of the evaluation in order to further refine the Study questions.

Scope: The evaluation will assess the whole project performance from its start to its end and will be conducted mainly in project sites of Hai Phong city, Tien Giang province, Ha Dong district, Ha Noi city. The evaluation will involve the project’s partners, their networks, and stakeholders at different levels who have been involved in the project. Specifically, interviews will be made with the following:

  • Leader of Provincial Department of Education and Training of Hai Phong city and Tien Giang province
  • Leader of District Bureau of Education and Training of Ha Dong district
  • Leader/ health staff of 106 schools
  • Beneficaries (Students, parents, teachers)

The findings of the Evaluation will be shared in a project final reflection workshop with key partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries.

Please find TOR attached in the link below:

Vacancy: Individual consultants to provide technical support for Endline Evaluation of the School Health and Nutrition project

The consultant will provide

Review project documents (project description, partner reports, project reports, current monitoring and evaluation datasets, project proposal, M&E Plan, baseline and midterm survey tools and summary results, project progress reports, etc.).

Develop a proposal including sample size and data collection methods consistent with the proposed evaluation design, and the corresponding data collection tools needed, including informed consent documents. This may involve conducting both qualitative and quantitative data collection such as household surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and an extensive review of records and project documents including feedbacks raised throughout the project.

  • Submit the proposal and revise the proposal as needed.
  • Implement the various data collection activities specified in the evaluation design. This includes the following activities:
    • Train data collectors and supervisors on the proper use of the data collection tools to be used for each type of data collection activity to be conducted.
    • Develop and implement data quality control mechanisms for each type of data collection activity to be conducted.
    • Collect the data using the different modes of data collection specified in the evaluation design.
  • Process and analyze data gathered from the various data collection activities. This includes the following:
    • Creation of an electronic database for each type of data collected for the evaluation. A copy of each electronic database created must be submitted to SC at the end of the assignment. 
    • Cleaning and validation of the data collected including the application of range and consistency checks.
    • Generation of results like the computation of indicators and the construction of statistical tables and graphs, including comparisons with previous surveys  
  • Write the first draft and the final version of the evaluation report. The final version must include any modifications needed based on the comments given by SC and Technical Advisors during the presentation of the first draft. The first draft evaluation report must be written in English; and final version of the evaluation report must be written both in English and Vietnamese. The final evaluation report will be also shared with the donor.

Selection Criteria

Interested individual consultants will be required to submit an Expression of Interest in line with the provided template, which should demonstrate adherence to the following requirements.

  • Postgraduate degree in Medicine, Public Health or Social Science. Experience in School Health & Nutrition is preferred.
  • At least 5 years of experience in conducting studies in health projects.
  • At least 5 years of experience and use of qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods (collection and analysis).
  • Understanding of political, cultural, education and social context in Vietnam
  • Strong written and verbal skills in communicating technical and/ or complex findings to non-specialist audiences (especially report writing and presentation skills)
  • High English proficiency in writing.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, quantitative & qualitative data analysis software (SPSS, STATA, EPIDATA, NVivo, ATLAS.ti, etc.).

How to apply

The candidate should submit a technical proposal, financial proposal and CVs through email address: [email protected]

The deadline for responses is: 4 January 2022 (5:00pm)

Organization: Save the Children
Application deadline: 2022-01-04
Send application to: [email protected]