VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Consultancy Service to Conduct Training Courses on Web-based and Mobile Phone Applications of Children's Database


1. Background and justification

With financial support from United States Department of Labour (USDOL), the project on “Technical Support for Enhancing National Capacity to Prevent and Reduce Child Labour in Viet Nam (ENHANCE)” is implemented by ILO from 2015 to 2019 with a cost extension to the end of March 2022, in close collaboration with MOLISA, the project management agency.

The Project’s overall development objective is to build a comprehensive and efficient multi-stakeholder response for the prevention and reduction of child labour in Viet Nam. Placing capacity building for sustainable solutions at the heart of its interventions, the Project will intervene under three mutually reinforcing components to achieve the following immediate objectives:

  1. Capacity building component: By the end of the project, the capacity of national institutions and stakeholders to identify, monitor and respond to child labour, as part of the promotion of international labour standards, will have been strengthened.
  2. Awareness raising component: By the end of the project, awareness of child labour, the associated hazards and prohibitions against it will have been raised among all levels of society.
  3. Direct interventions component: By the end of the project, intervention models for preventing and withdrawing child labour in selected geographical areas and sectors will have been implemented, documented and ready for replication.

The first component aims to provide support to further improve specific aspects of national legislation on child labour, particularly regarding hazardous work; and to support the national stakeholders in effectively implementing the National Program of Action (NPA) on child labour. In turn, it provides support to specific agencies to strengthen capacity to implement laws and policies through child labour monitoring and enforcement. Under this component, the project has been supporting policy development in relation to core labour standards, especially child labour standards obligations. The commitments form an integral part of Viet Nam’s evolving international trade integration. To enable a systematic, evidence based, and transparent approach to policy and planning, the Project is also supporting to establish a national knowledge sharing system.

With the objective of ensuring the effectiveness of managing information on children in difficult circumstances including those who are in child labour or at high risk of engaging in child labour, in close cooperation with Department of Child Affairs (DCA) – MOLISA, the ILO ENHANCE project have worked with an IT company to review then successfully develop and upgrade the national “computer-based” children database system. The upgraded system is now in the form of a web-based portal with mobile technology which can be accessed and managed by multi-levels ranging from Central (Department of Child Affairs (DCA) to commune/ward levels. With the upgraded system, the responsible staff from the central to provincial levels are now able to create, maintain and regularly update the data and information on status and support to children who are in special circumstances including those are in child labour or at high risk of engaging in child labour. The system has been updated comprehensively that, in the long-term, allows to collect and entry further disaggregated information on all groups of children who are in special circumstances.

To run the system effectively on both web-based and mobile platforms, responsible officers at all levels needs to be trained thoroughly on administration of the database. To materialize, the ILO ENHANCE project is looking for a qualified service provider on conducting training on how to use the web-based and mobile platforms. In greater details, the service provider is also required to equip responsible officers at all levels with comprehensive knowledge on how to collect and use information on group of children who are in child labour or at high risk of engaging in child labour. To engage participants, the forms of training should be diversified including but not limited to short demonstration video clips, tips, Q&As, etc. With the current context of Covid-19 epidemic, the training will be conducted online.

2. Tasks and outputs

To support the process, the ILO-ENHANCE will closely work with the selected service provider to complete the following tasks and outputs:

Task 1: Discuss with DCA and the ILO ENHANCE project team to carefully develop the training outline and content for each Module of the upgraded web-based (the children’s database website) and mobile phone database application which are suitable for responsible officers at different levels. Short demonstration video clips and Q&A should be developed.

Output 1: Detailed outline and content for each module will have been developed (The training materials will also include demo - video clips, together with hand-outs, Q&As)

Task 2: Conduct online training to relevant officials for relevant officials (such as commune child protection staff, district and provincial DOLISA staff, and DCA data administrators) from 07 piloted provinces which tentatively include Hanoi, An Giang, Nam Dinh, Hai Phong, Thanh Hoa, Thai Binh and Lao Cai, on the new features and operations of the system with a focus on collecting and using detailed information on group of children who are in child labour and at high risk of engaging in child labour.

Output 2: All relevant officials at different levels in the 7 piloted provinces will have been trained on the operations and administration of the children’s database website and the mobile application.

Task 3: Gradually support the DCA to expand the trainings to other 03 provinces to operate the children’s database website and the mobile application i more effectively.

Output 3: All relevant officials at different levels will have been trained on the operations and administration of the children’s database website and the mobile application in 03 expanded provinces.

The selected contractor should undertake the following tasks to achieve the outputs below.

3.       Time Frame and Work Plan

The final work-plan may be subject to change as result of negotiation with DCA, the ILO-ENHANCE project and the selected service provider.

Tentative work-plan for the selected Contractor is as follows:




Ending date


Discuss with DCA and the ILO ENHANCE project team to carefully develop the training outline and content (demo videos, hand-outs and Q&As)

28 Feb 2022


Conduct training on how to use the system for relevant officials from 03 piloted provinces

28 March 2022


Conduct training on how to use the system for relevant officials from 04 piloted provinces

1st May 2022


Expanded trainings to other 03 provinces

1st Jun 2022


4.       Estimate Cost & schedule for payment

The advance payment of 20% of total contract cost will be paid upon signing the contract by the two parties.

The second installment of 40% of total contract cost will be paid upon completion of Activities 1 and 2 to the satisfaction of DCA and ILO ENHANCE.

The last installment of 40% of total contract cost will be paid upon completion of Activity 3 to the satisfaction of DCA and ILO ENHANCE

5.       Submission of Proposal

The interested consultancy service providers need to submit their company’s profile together with proposal for detail cost breakdown estimate to ILO ENHANCE project. All proposals must be submitted in English to the ENHANCE Project through email at [email protected] with CC to  [email protected] no later than 5:00 p.m. on 21 Jan 2022.  Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. Only short-listed companies will be contacted for further discussion.

6.       Qualification

The contractor (as one legal entity) should ensure the working team for this assignment include:

  • One team member who has at least 5 years of proven working experiences in the areas of child labour and labour-social statistics.
  • One team member who has at least 5 years of proven working experience on developing labour-social software applications.
  • Team members who have experiences in working with ILO, DCA and provincial DOLISAs.

The profiles of the selected Contractor as well as the core team members will be cross-checked by ILO- ENHANCE and DCA.

Organization: ILO/ENHANCE Project
Application deadline: 2022-01-21
Send application to: [email protected]; [email protected]