VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Consultant Recruitment - Development of the Child-friendly Educational Content for Em Vui (Extension)

Summary: Plan International Vietnam is seeking for independent consultant(s) to develop the child-friendly educational content for the Em Vui platform. The required task is funded by Plan International. 

1. Background about Plan International and the project

Founded in 1937, Plan International is a development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We strive to advance children’s rights and equality for girls all over the world. As an independent development and humanitarian organisation, we work alongside children, young people, our supporters and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge. For over 80 years we have been building powerful partnerships for children, and we are active in over 75 countries.

Plan International has been working in Vietnam since 1993. By June 2019, Plan International Vietnam (PIV) has improved the lives of more than 1,300,000 children, their families and communities from over 131 communes in 10 provinces across the country. Our goal by 2021 is to reach 2 million girls from 1,875 ethnic communities in Vietnam so they can learn, lead, decide, and thrive.

About Em Vui platform

Em Vui Platform considers as the digital space for ethnic minority girls, boys and young women and men to access support services, use the knowledge gained through the digital space to understand and claim their rights, to raise their voice towards policy makers and protect themselves from human trafficking and child marriage.  The Em Vui Platform is a child-friendly designed and reliable platform, which contains much knowledgeable and interesting information sources for ethnic minority children, adolescences and youth (CAY) to learn and share ideas. Moreover, it provides as an open digital space toward the interconnection and collective action among individuals, civil society organizations’ networks (CSOs), media agencies, mass unions, government agencies to support the rights claimed by CAY nationwide. Remarkably, the Em Vui platform is to create an enabling space for youth and policymakers to interact through online policy dialogues.

Em Vui platform is the core action of the EMPoWR project “Ethnic minority girls, boys, young women and men use the digital space to understand and claim their rights, access support services and raise their voice towards policy makers” that is co-financed by the European Union (EU) and Plan International Belgium (2020-2023) and co-implemented by the Institute for Social Develeopment Studies and Plan International in Vietnam. The EMPoWR project is sited in 52 communes of 11 districts of 4 provices Hà Giang, Lai Châu, Qu?ng Bình and Qu?ng Tr?. The main objective is to enable ethnic minority girls, boys and young women and men (age 10 to 24 years) to use the digital space to learn online safety skills, understand and claim their rights, access support services and raise their voice towards policy makers.

2. Purpose, scope of the child-friendly educational content development for Em Vui

Purpose is to enrich the child friendly educational content of Em Vui, focusing on the five key topics of EM VUI, as follows:

  • Relevant legal information regarding Children’s Law, Penal Law, Marriage Law, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, regulations related to human trafficking and child marriage, girls’ rights, ethnic minority’s rights, child sexual abuse prevention, labour exploitation.
  • Knowledge, skills on preventing and eliminating human trafficking;
  • Knowledge, skills on preventing and ending early child marriage;
  • Knowledge, skills on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR);
  • Knowledge and Information about soft skills: online safety, sexual abuse prevention, labour exploitation and life skills. 

3. Key deliverables and time frame

3.1. Key deliverables:

First deliverable: the production of 08 animated short video clips focus on 5 key topics as mentioned in Section 2. These clips must connect with existing 3 episodes of the platform and to reflect different sides of lives of the key characters crew. Please refer one of the episodes in the following link Episode 1 for reference. Specific requirement for each episode:

  • Length: less than 5 minutes.
  • Number of drawing: At least 15.
  • The quality of animation and technical movement: should be as good as the First Episode

Second deliverable:

  • To develop quizzes of the first 4 episodes/clips. Please refer one of the quiz set in the following link Short quizzes under the Clip and Full set of quizzes under the Clip for reference.
    • 8 child-friendly materials with quizzes as the link Material and quizzes (Specific requirement for each child-friendly material: maximum 2,000 words).
    • 4 news about above key topics as the link News for reference. The material should be concise, simply wording and child-friendly designed.

3.2. Time frame:

From February 2022 to 31 March 2023 with details as below:



Deadline for final products

-          2 episodes with quizzes (of the clips)

-          04 child-friendly materials with quizzes and 02 news

1st quarter

-          2 episodes with quizzes (of the clips)

-          04 child-friendly materials with quizzes and 02 news

2nd quarter

-          2 episodes

3rd quarter

-          2 episodes

4th quarter


IV. Budget

The total available budget for this action should be included VAT 10% if the applicant is the firm or PIT 10% if the applicant is a team of independent consultants. The breakdown budget for each team member delivering specific tasks is required. The maximum budget for this action is VND 900,000,000 (in word: Nine hundred million dong).

V. Expected qualifications of the contractor

  • Have practical experiences and understanding about ethnic minority children, adolescence and youth, particularly in the ethnic minority and mountainous areas;
  • Prove similar experiences in developing the scripts or/and child-friendly communication educational stories about ethnic minority children, adolescences and youth.
  • Relevant technical proposal with logic and clear action plan in implementing the required tasks.
  • Have knowledge on child rights, and child right based approach;
  • Have experiences as story tellers in child-friendly communication manners with regarding human rights, child rights issues;
  • Have experiences and capacity in child-friendly design for educational communication materials about legal issues on early child marriage and human trafficking issues;
  • Have creative mind on presenting educational messages related to early child marriage and human trafficking issues by child-friendly forms as animated clips, cartoon stories, etc.

VI. Technical and financial proposal

The contractor has to submit a full proposal and annexes (could be in Vietnamese), including:

  • Specific implementation steps.
  • Personnel capacity involvement.
  • Timeframe and budget.
  • Annexes:
    • Idea of each episode for the 8 clips that link with each other about characters and content.
    • Details script of 01 episode as example and relevant quiz set.
    • Credit point (not mandatory): The draft of 01 child-friendly designed material.

VII. Contact

Consultants/experts who are interested in taking this task, please submit the package latest by 4.30pm 16th February 2022 via email to:  [email protected]

Organization: Plan International
Application deadline: 2022-02-16
Send application to: [email protected]