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Consultants to Conduct Surveys and In-depth Interviews to Further Identify the Risks of Pathogen Infection through Current Wildlife Supply Chains in Viet Nam

Consultancy advertisement


Short-term consultancy

Scope of work:

Conduct surveys and in-depth interviews to further identify the risks of pathogen infection through current wildlife supply chains in Viet Nam.


Hanoi, HCMC and other provinces and/or virtual/email

Service duration

March – July 2022

I.          Background: 

The current COVID-19 global pandemic is killing millions of people globally and causing major impacts to livelihoods, society, and economies across the world.

COVID-19 is understood to have originated in wildlife, and most probably made the jump to humans in a market selling live wildlife in China or a connected link along the wildlife supply chain. However, the conditions that lead to the emergence and transmission of these zoonotic pathogens to humans are not unique to China; they also prevalent in wild animal supply chains in Viet Nam.

Therefore, WCS is working with stakeholders and seeking the independent consultant team to conduct the survey research to: i)   assess application of regulations of health management at different stages of wildlife supply chain (including wildlife farms, transportation, legal and illegal wildlife trade, import/export, handling wildlife after confiscations, etc.); ii)   identify the risks of pathogen infection through current practice of wildlife farm owners, and frontline officers.

II.         Objectives:

  • Conduct the survey, collect information, data on: legal and illegal wildlife trade, application of regulations of health management at different stages of wildlife supply chain and act have been taken by Government agencies for preventing and controlling disease transmission.
  • Access, identify the risks of pathogen infection through analyzing the relationship between wildlife trade activities and the disease distribution along the wildlife supply chain.
  • Provide recommendations to reduce the risks of zoonotic disease spillover along wildlife supply chain.

III.      Activity, Expected outputs/deliverables and tentative deadline 


Outputs/ deliverables

Completed by

Allotted time (# of days)

1. Develop the activity outline

  • Participate the discussion and make agreement on the research’s outline.
  • Provide inputs and comments on the research’s subjects and method.

1 completed research outline

March 2022

10 days

2.  Develop and finalize the questionnaire

  • Develop the questionnaire and related materials as needed (e.i. informed consent form) base on agreed research’s objectives, subjects and method.
  • Update questionnaire and related materials base on comments and feedback from a group of experts and stakeholders.
  • Conduct pilot interviews.
  • Finalize the questionnaire and related materials.


01 completed questionnaire

March 2022

3. Data collection

  • Complete the informed consent form (full fill and get the signatures);
  • Interview 50 people, record and collect data using questionnaire;
  • Upload raw data into the computer/laptop or dedicated folder/hard drive;
  • Transcript.
  • Research and finalize the draft Outline.

01 raw data set (records, datasheet, transcripts)


April 2022

20 days

4. Summarize and analyze the data

  • Summarize and analyze data collected from interviews;
  • Finalize the data analysis base on comments and feedback from a group of experts and stakeholders.

01 summary report, analyze the data

May 2022

15 days

5. Provide comments, recommendations and propose interventions

  • Provide recommendations base on the results of data analysis;
  • Summarize and finalize the recommendations after collecting those from a group of experts and stakeholders.

01 document of recommendations


June 2022

5 days

6. Final report

  • Prepare the report’s outline;
  • Finalized the report base on the comments and feedback from a group of experts and stakeholders.

01 completed final report

June 2022

10 days

Total allotted time (total working days): 60 days

IV.      Consultant Requirements:

  • Having skills and more than 10-year experience in providing consulting service in different areas;
  • Having experiences in conducting research and survey projects in various fields, with different target groups;
  • Priority is given to the consultation team has experiences in conducting the research related to One Health.

V. Application procedure:

Interested candidate(s) are invited to send to [email protected] before 16:00 pm (Hanoi time), Mar. 4, 2022.

  • An email of interest
  • Working experience profiles/Curriculum Vitae(s) of all team members
  • Copies/links to three similar researches/products
  • Financial proposal (daily rate in VND including Personal Income Tax).

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Organization: WCS
Application deadline: 2022-03-04
Send application to: [email protected]