VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Project Manager

Helvetas has been working in Vietnam since 1994, with an initial focus in agriculture, forestry and biodiversity as well as rural development like water and sanitation and local participatory development planning. Today, Helvetas Vietnam focuses mainly on Sustainable Inclusive Economies with a focus on pro-poor and gender-responsive value chain and market systems development in agricultural commodities and natural ingredients. The organisation has built strong experience and expertise in promoting gender and social equity, enhancing the empowerment of ethnic minorities and developing partnerships with diverse actors – government, private sector and civil society.

HELVETAS is looking for a motivated, competent and professional Project Manager for the EU-funded project “Circular Economy Cocoa: From Bean to Bar”. As part of the HELVETAS Vietnam team, the manager will lead the project and achieve its goal of transition of the cocoa and chocolate subsector to a regenerative and circular economy business model triggers uptake of circular economy in the wider agri-food sector and policies of Vietnam, leading to equitable economic growth decoupled from harmful environmental impacts. The preferred starting date for the position asap.

Interested candidates should send applications (CV plus motivation letters and copies of diplomas) to [email protected] and [email protected] by March 9th, 2022. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Organization: HELVETAS
Application deadline: 2022-03-09
Send application to: [email protected]; [email protected]