VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Consultancy Service to Conduct Mid-term Review KPI


Work – No Child’s Business Project

1. Background on Save the Children

Save the Children is the leading global independent organisation for children.Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. Around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, and children are most vulnerable, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We ensure children’s unique needs are met and their voices are heard. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach.

An alliance of three parties - UNICEF, Stop Child Labour Coalition and Save the Children join forces to implement the project "Work: No Child's Business (WNCB) - Joining forces to scale up action against child labour" in 6 countries (India, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Mali, Uganda and Viet Nam) for the duration of five years between 2020 and 2024.

In Viet Nam, the project is deployed by Save the Children and UNICEF at national and sub-national levels, in Ho Chi Minh City (16 schools, 8 communes in 4 districts) and Dong Thap Province (10 communes in 3 districts).

The project has identified three key outcomes at country level to ensure that children and youth are free from child labour and enjoy their rights to quality education as well as (future) decent work.

  • Outcome 1a: Children are empowered to pursue an education and (future) employability within a supportive family and community environment
  • Outcome 1b: Increased enrolment and retention in quality formal education or if relevant, bridge schooling, and improved access to youth employment.
  • Outcome 2: Governments enforce relevant child-rights based laws and implement policies on child labor, education, youth economic empowerment, and social security
  • Outcome 3: Private sector takes full responsibility for preventing and addressing child labor.

2. Objective

The WNCB country team in Vietnam needs to understand the effects of the WNCB programme interventions in the communities and uses a multitude of methods to assess relevant changes in their target communities. One of the methods is to collect representative survey data against the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of the program. This mid-term assessment will provide relevant quantitative data for the KPIs and other relevant indicators that will help us to better understand our relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and impact (if any) of the project halfway into programme implementation.

Through this assessment, the consultant aims to assess the status of child labor and conditions enabling child labor at mid-term through the KPIs of the WNCB programme. We furthermore want to identify progress to date by comparing mid-term to baseline values to better understand if there are interesting changes to be observed.

Specific objectives of this assignment are:

  1. To establish mid-term values for the projects KPIs by collecting relevant data within the project implementing project, including the filling of the project Indicator Performance Tracking Table (IPTT) with data disaggregated by gender and age group;
  2. To identify progress to date by comparing the mid-term data to baseline data;
  3. To identify which sectors children are working on and the percentage of children working in these sectors.   

3. Consultant’s responsibilities:

The consultant is responsible for conducting this Midterm Review. This will include:

  1. Reviewing available secondary data/reports and relevant project documents;
  2. Refining research instruments; pretest research tools are required;
  3. Developing sampling strategy;
  4. Recruiting and training enumerators;
  5. Data collection for all indicators in the MTR; closely quality control to ensure timing is respected and quality standards are met;
  6. Analyzing data based on prior analysis plan;
  7. Developing MTR report and info-graphic key findings;
  8. Presenting research findings to the clients and relevant partners and stakeholders in Study Methodology

4. Expected Deliverables and Tentative Timeline

The study deliverables and tentative timeline (subject to the commencement date of the study) are outlined below. The Consultant and SC Project Manager will agree on final milestones and deadlines at the inception phase.


SCI expects the following deliverables to be provided:


Deliverable / Milestones

Submitted to



An inception report in English (No more than 8 pages)

SC and UNICEF project managers

Electronic file


Finalization of research tools and Pre-test report

SC and UNICEF project managers

Electronic files



SC and UNICEF project managers

Electronic file with raw and cleaned, qualitative and quantitative, data sets


Final Evaluation Report (in Vietnamese and English)

SC and UNICEF project manager and MEAL team

Electronic files


Knowledge translation materials:

  • PowerPoint presentation of Study findings
  • A 1-2-page info-graphic document showing results

SC and UNICEF project managers

Electronic files




The Consultant is contracted and commences work

12 May

A kick-off meeting between the Consultant and the Project team to develop the inception report.

13 May

An inception report in English (No more than 8 pages)

20 May

Desk study and review research protocol, data collection instruments

20 May

Finalization of research tools and Pre-test

20 May

Data collection and analysis

10 Jun

A draft Evaluation Report in English (No more than 30 pages)

17 Jun

Filled MTR columns in the IPTT

20 Jun

A presentation on the validation workshop to sharing key findings with SC team and stakeholders and discuss to finalize report

22 Jun

Final Evaluation Report (in Vietnamese and English)

27 Jun

It is noted that the Save the Childrenwill provide the template for reports requested.

All documents are to be produced in MS Word format and provided electronically by email to the SC Project Manager. Copies of all PowerPoint presentations used to facilitate briefings for the project should also be provided to Save the Children in editable digital format.

All survey materials, raw data, electronic data, and other information will remain the property of SC and should be transferred to SC upon completion.

5. Experience and skill set required

Interested Consultant will be required to submit an Expression of Interest in line with the provided template in ToR, which should demonstrate adherence to the following requirements.

Understanding of Requirements and Experience

To be considered, the Consultant must have demonstrated skills, expertise and experience in:

  • The consultant(s) will be selected on the basis of their proven experience, qualifications and ability to deliver a quality product in a timely and efficient manner. Particular qualifications and experience of the lead consultant team members include:
  • The lead Consultant or a core member of the team should hold a Master’s degree in Social Sciences or related area;
  • At least 5-year experience in quantitative and qualitative research, data collection, analysis, and reporting;
  • Experience in conducting a multi-sectoral assessment;
  • Experience in conducting research on labour and migration is an asset;
  • Knowledge and experience working with the welfare system and gender assessments in Viet Nam are an advantage;
  • Demonstrated ability to produce work with high quality in a short span of time;
  • Fluency in English and Vietnamese and excellent report writing, presentation, and communication skills;
  • Work experience with UNICEF or SC is preferred

Financial Proposal

  • The Financial Proposal shall specify a total lump-sum amount all-inclusive and payment terms around specific and measurable deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump-sum amount (including travel, per diems, and number of anticipated working days).
  • Save the Children seeks value for money in its work. This does not necessarily mean "lowest cost", but the quality of the service and reasonableness of the proposed costs.


The supplier should submit a technical proposal, financial proposal and CV through email address:  [email protected]

The deadline for responses is: 17:00 on 04 May 2022.


Organization: Save the Children
Application deadline: 2022-05-04
Send application to: [email protected]