Documentary video-making service
1. Background and Context
After the 12th Communist Party Congress Meeting of January 2016, the Government of Vietnam issued an official statement that signaled a need for “restructure the agricultural sector towards a large-scale commodity production through an intensive deployment of high-technology methods”. To realize this objective, the document envisaged a move from household-based (smallholder) production, which was seen as “backward” and “low in productivity” to company-based production, which could better mobilize the capital, technology, and resources held by the private sector. The Government of Vietnam acknowledged that such a transition could only be realized if the existing land policy was amended to enable land holdings to be transferred from smallholders to companies. This development marked a significant transition from the government’s long-standing “land to the tiller” policy to land accumulation and concentration which would enable an individual entity, such as a company, to occupy a large area of land.
Thus, the development of RAI(*) Workstream is highly appreciated by MRLG(**) partners in Viet Nam who recognized the importance to be engaged in the debate and contribute strategically to the law/policy making process as revision of the Land Law will have very significant impact on smallholder farmers.
The Vietnam RAI Workstream members included local partners (see the Annex 1 for details) who took part in Phase 1 of MRLG initiatives as an informal platform have continued working in the Phase 2 to make contribution to the protection of the land rights and equitable benefits of smallholders, particularly ethnic minorities and poor women, by supporting the improvement and implementation of economic and investment provisions of the Land Law, specifically on agricultural land concentration and accumulation; and land acquisition, compensation, support and resettlement, through critical engagement with government agencies, legislative institutions and other stakeholders in providing evidence-based policy options and models.
Key outcomes of MRLG’s Phase 2 included:
In order to engage in the revision or amendment of the Land Law 2013, a Policy Advocacy and Communication Strategy has been developed by the RAI Workstream as a guidance of its activities for maximining the Workstream’s collective efforts toward achieving the above-presented outcomes.
The purpose for making the video should be to serve as a good visual material to support the continuity of advocacy activities for the RAI Workstream’s priority thematic targets in the revision or amendment of the Land Law 2013, including (i) land concentration or accumulation; and (ii) land acquisition, compensation, support to resettlement. The video should give major opportunities for local community members – the main target group of people governed by the Land Law – to present the most impactful problems on the ground and the proposed solutions and recommendations. The video should be short but with good "hook" to effectively deliver advocacy messages.
2. Objective of the service
To produce a documentary video that potentially conveys to stakeholders and the public at large key messages and proposals on the most impactful problems on the ground and proposed solutions/recommendations of smallholders, particularly ethnic minorities and women, for influencing the revision of the Land Law 2013 and further creating space for advocacy activities of the RAI Workstream.
3. Product requirement
4. Key tasks and responsibilities of the video maker
5. Time frame
From 25 June to 31 August 2022, the video needs to be completed and handed over by the end of August 2022.
6. Requirements for Video Maker
7. Application guide
Interested video makers need for submiting the following documents when applying for the film production:
Application should be sent by email to: [email protected]
Deadline for application: Friday 17 June 2022.
Address of the RAI Workstream’ s Coordinating Organization: 12A floor, City Intelligentsia Palace, No. 01 Ton That Thuyet street, Cau Giay district, Ha Noi.
Annex 1: List of the RAI Workstream members
* Responsible agriculture investment
** Mekong Region Land Governance Project