WWF-Viet Nam: Request for Proposals - Consultancy services: Media Network Establishment and Management to advocate for sustainable sand management in Viet Nam Mekong Delta
Tender Ref.: FY23/0004; Project: IKI Sustainable Sand Management Project.
Between 2019 and 2023, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), with financial support from the German Government, is working with national and provincial stakeholders to mitigate the Mekong delta’s vulnerability to SLR through improving sediment management.
The aim of the project is to reduce the unsustainable sand and gravel extraction in the Vietnamese part of the Mekong Delta in order to reduce the risks to ecosystems and socio-economic development caused by climate change. Key public and private sector actors will be enabled to make policies and practices related to sustainable sand and gravel extraction more effective, thereby reducing the Mekong Delta's sediment budget deficit in the medium term and increasing the Delta's adaptability to the impacts of climate change.
WWF-Viet Nam is looking for a firm with experience in optimizing the influence of media to (1) raise public awareness and (2) advocate for sustainable minerals management policy.
Specific and detailed information can be found at this link: https://vietnam.panda.org/en/get_involved/jobs/?uNewsID=374836
How to apply:
This Request for Proposals is open to international, national or mixed consortia. The bidder shall submit the bidding dossier in single stage - two files/envelops (one for technical proposal, and one for financial proposal).
Bidders are requested to submit electronic proposals via email in non-modifiable format (PDF). Bidders must observe the following submission instructions:
The proposal shall be separated in Two files: One (1) for Technical Proposal and One (1) for Financial Proposal.
The Deadline for Submission is: ?July 22, 2022 - 17.00 hrs ICT
Questions for clarifications can be submitted to [email protected] before July 8th, 2022 - 17.00 hrs ICT (Other kind of communication is not accepted).
Please be aware that proposals emailed to WWF-Viet Nam will be rejected if they are received after the deadline for bid submission. As an email may take some time to arrive after it is sent, especially if it contains a lot of information, we advise all bidders to send email submissions well before the deadline.
Only selected candidate(s) will be contacted about the outcome of their tender.