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National Consultants to Conduct the Study of the Defined Daily Dose Analysis of the SHI-antibiotic in 2019 and 2020

Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Vietnam

National consultants to conduct the study of the Defined Daily Dose (DDD) analysis of the SHI-antibiotic in 2019 and 2020


The global USAID LHSS Activity helps low- and middle-income countries transition to sustainable, self-funded health finance systems that support high-performing overall health systems. The LHSS activity in Vietnam will work with the Government of Vietnam (GVN) to advance greater local ownership of HIV and TB prevention and control. Led by Abt Associates, the four-year activity supports Vietnam in increasing its domestic financing for HIV and TB services in the context of declining donor funding, using government resources more efficiently, and in assuming local ownership of HIV and TB prevention and control activities. Specific objectives are: (1) Support the GVN to strengthen its public financial management systems for public sector health and find greater efficiencies in social health insurance (SHI), (2) Increase and improve the efficiency of domestic financing of HIV prevention and treatment services; (3) Strengthen the capacity of Vietnam's supply chain management system; and (4) Integrate TB services into SHI. This piece of work will contribute to the first objective.

Context of this assignment

In Vietnam, applying DDD analysis to several antibiotics is evaluated as the potential method to identify the current situation, and have an intervention plan for the utilization, production, and distribution of antibiotics reasonably by assessing the utilization trends. So far, there has not been any analysis of the DDD of antibiotics. In 2021, LHSS has supported VSS in upgrading the electronic Logistic management information system (eLMIS), which includes the drug cost management component with a feature to capture DDD for SHI-covered antibiotics utilization and costs. This system consolidates data from the SHI claim database through medical examination and treatment and informs various indicators used for monitoring the drug cost, including the antibiotics. Under the suggestion from VSS, LHSS recognizes that this is a big chance to conduct this study of DDD for the antibiotics by using the database from the Social Health Insurance scheme (SHI) at the country level through eLMIS system.

For the reason above and as a direct request from VSS, LHSS is seeking two national consultants to provide technical support to VSS in conducting the study of DDD analysis of the SHI-antibiotic in 2019 and 2020.


  • To analyze the antibiotic utilization by DDD and related costs covered by SHI in 2019, and 2020 at the provincial and national levels.
  • To analyze the obstacles, and concerns in antibiotic use by the DDD method to strengthen the management of activities related to antibiotic use in Vietnam.
  • To propose intervention solutions.


Two consultants will closely work with VSS to carry out the tasks below:



  • Design the analysis proposal (including finding standard DDD search tools, finding references on DDD research in Vietnam & international experiences, WHO standards).
  • Discusswith VSS and related stakeholders on the requirements, methods & content of the analysis.
  • Select antibiotics that meet the DDD sample selection requirements in 2019, 2020 in the list of antibiotics reimbursed by health insurance to preparea list of research antibiotics.
  • Look up standard DDD for research antibiotic list.
  • Development of final report with findings and recommendations.




Due dates


The research proposal is to conduct the DDD analysis of the SHI-antibiotic study.

30th May 2022


Package of the antibiotics that meet the DDD sample selection requirements in 2019, 2020 in the list of antibiotics reimbursed by health insurance to prepare a list of research antibiotics

5th July 2022


The final research report of the DDD analysis of the SHI-antibiotic study in 2019, 2020

15th August 2022


Final consultancy report

15 days after the CA end



  • Discuss with VSS and related stakeholders on the requirements, methods & content of the analysis.
  • Extract data from eLMIS on antibiotics to use in the research topics (national and 63 provinces).
  • Create the analysis table: DDD dose & standard dose to evaluate and analyze research contents.
  • Analyze data and report writing  (national and 63 provinces).
  • Support in the development of the final report with findings and recommendations.




Due date


Technical inputs to the research proposal including samples, tools, methods & content.

30th May 2022


Dataset for analysis of DDD dose & standard dose, and table template for the report

15th June 2022


Data analysis result tables: DDD dose & standard dose

30th June 2022


Technical inputs to the final research report of the DDD analysis of the SHI-antibiotic study in 2019, 2020

15th August 2022


Final consultancy report

15 days after the CA end


The expert's assignment (expected to be carried out by 02 consultants) is home-based in Hanoi, with regular consultation with the LHSS team in their offices, planned for a period from 15th May to 15th August 2022 for a total number of 70 working days (35 days for each consultant and including attending and presenting at workshops).


All deliverables must be reviewed and approved by the LHSS/Public Finance Management Lead.  The Consultant can direct questions to the LHSS/Public Finance Management Lead throughout the consultancy.


1. Consultant 1:

  • A degree in pharmaceuticals is preferred.
  • A strong understanding of the context of social health insurance and drug reimbursement.
  • In-depth knowledge and experience with ATC classification.
  • Excellent writing skills and ability to transfer knowledge and skills.
  • Computer proficiency for data analyses with MS Excel software applications.

2. Consultant 2:

  • A degree in pharmaceuticals, public health, economics or a relevant degree is preferred.
  • A strong understanding of the context of social health insurance and drug reimbursement.
  • In-depth knowledge and experience with ATC classification.
  • Excellent skill for data analyses with MS Excel software applications is required

To apply, please send your application documents to the following email:

[email protected]

Deadline:18 July 2022

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Organization: Abt Associates
Application deadline: 2022-07-18
Send application to: [email protected]