Desk review of up two Social Enterprises, (SE) and Research Institutes, (RI) in Vietnam and Lao PDR
Bread for the World (BftW) is a German non-government ecclesial organisation working throughout the world with the objective to contribute to an inclusive socio-economic development to overcome poverty. Guiding principles are social justice and ecological responsibility.
The regional office (RO) in Hanoi is cooperating with local and international partner organisations since 1996.
For our operations in Vietnam and Laos, we are looking for a
Consultant or consultant team
Objective of the assignment
Profund (legal) information on whether research institutes and social enterprises within the legal framework of Vietnam and Laos are promising options for international donor funding:
A first assessment of suitability and eligibility for international donor funding and legal/political preconditions/requirements within Vietnam and Laos for project approvals and implementation if any can be based on a desk review and online interviews (no visits required), but must be confirmed in field visits of identified SE and RI in Vietnam and Laos.
Your tasks in detail:
Desk studies on different organisations will be carried out and interviews with decision-makers and other relevant staff in the respective organisations.
The findings must be proven by field visits to specific organisations which will be jointly identified by the BftW RO and the consultant.
The consultant provides information to the BftW RO, including the relevant (legal) documents on the following criteria:
These elements will be assessed according to the criteria used for Z-Capacity Assessments and beyond.
The documents (charter, statutes, annual report) will be collected and submitted for review by BftW. The consultant may obtain additional documents directly from the organization to be assessed if needed to form his/her opinion.
Your job profiles
The assignment will take place between July -August 2022
Please send your offer and CV as well as relevant documents to Mrs. Luu Ngoc Bich at [email protected] until 19th July 2022