Save the children International is seeking for a consultancy firm to jointly research with Sponsorship’s staffs and provide digital solutions to the following activities:
- Optimizing (in terms of interaction and user-friendly interface) the Digital Caregiver workshops for parents of children in primary school.
- Digitalizing caregiver workshops (for parents of children in pre-school) ensuring it is friendly with users with high interaction and multiple channels approach: text, audio, videos, games, quizzes…
- Developing online competition for adolescent to enhance sexual and reproductive health knowledge.
- Developing one online course of Internet Safety for students in primary, secondary schools.
- Career orientation website for adolescent to better access related information.
- Upgrading, supplementing content for BecaXR application (for more information of the app, please refer to appendix 1)
The deliverable of this consultancy service is one report which clearly states current situation, digitalization solutions in terms of technical requirements, suggested implementation plans with budget and development pathway of these digitalized products in the future. Sponsorship program will base on this report to develop detail requirements for the future digitalization activities.
Please find the attached TOR and documents for more information.
Companies wishing to participate please include the following documents when submitting your bid:
- Business registration of the company (scanned)
- Technical proposal includes: Methodology, approach and implementation plan
- Proposing key personnel to participate in the project (the group has at least 03 key members as required in the GCC and attach resumes of key members)
- Similar contracts that the Company has performed within the past 5 years
- Financial Proposal (attached form)
Please send all the above documents to [email protected] by 5:00 pm. on August 30, 2022.