VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Interpreter cum Translator from Cambodian to Vietnamese and Vice-versa

Interpreter cum Translator (National consultant) from Cambodian to Vietnamese and vice-versa

UN Women is looking for one qualified interpreter cum translator from Cambodian to Vietnamese and vice-versa; and one qualified interpreter cum translator from Lao to Vietnamese and vice-versa in September 2022.

Please refer to the Terms of Reference for more details.

Closing time for applications is 5.00 PM (Hanoi time, GMT+ 7) on 7 September 2022.

Candidates are requested to send the following documents in separated attachment in one application email to [email protected]

  1. Updated CV
  2. Letter of interest explaining why you are the most suitable for the work taking into account the required experience and skills
  3. Two references which can verify your experience and skills for the post applied for.
  4. Personal History Form (P11). The P11 Form can be downloaded from the following website:
  5. Financial proposal specifying consultancy rate


Organization: UN Women
Application deadline: 2022-09-07
Send application to: [email protected]