Terms of Reference
Final Evaluation
Project: Strengthen the self-help capacities of ethnic communities (continuation)
(Project code: N-VNM-2019-0336 by BftW)
1. Introduction
The Centre for Promoting Development for Women and Children (DWC) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 2003 according to the decision No 232/QD-KHVN on 21 July 2003 of "Vietnam Association for Promoting Education" – now known as “Vietnam Association for Learning Promotion” (VALP). The overall objective of DWC is to alleviate poverty and improve the quality of life for poor people, especially poor women and children in Vietnam.
The project “Strengthen the self-help capacities of ethnic communities (continuation)” funded by Bread for the World (BftW) has been implemented in 12 villages of three communes (Nuong Dam, Cuoi Ha, Vinh Tien in Kim Boi district, Hoa Binh province) for the period from January 2020 – December 2022. The first phase of the project was implemented during 2017-2019.
The following table provides a summary of project information:
Project name | Strengthen the self-help capacities of ethnic communities (continuation) |
Project Goal | Sustainable village development is improved in Hoa Binh province |
Project Objective
| Local development challenges have been selected and solved by local community-based groups. |
Objective indicators | Indicator 1: By the end of the project, at least 60 small-scale development projects are successfully self-managed by local people (self-managed in terms of planning, decision-making, implementing, monitoring and evaluating; a project is considered successfully managed when its objective is achieved). Indicator 2: By the end of the project, at least 50% of goods produced by the 12 cooperative groups are jointly sold to traders based on contracts. |
Partners | The People’s Committee and the Women Union of Kim Boi district, Hoa Binh province |
Target groups | Ethnic communities in 12 villages of three communes of Kim Boi district, Hoa Binh Province |
Beneficiaries | Direct beneficiaries:
Indirect beneficiaries:
Time frame | January 2020 – December 2022 |
Intervention focus |
Project Donor | Bread for the World - BftW |
Implementation Agency | The Centre for Promoting Development for Women and Children - DWC |
2. Evaluation objective and scope
In the project proposal, it is planned that a final evaluation will be conducted before the project closure. The main purpose of the final evaluation is to independently review the project status, performance and results after 3 years of intervention,compared to the committed indicators in the project document, as well as to evaluate its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. The evaluation should also consider cross cutting issues of gender, women empowerment and environmental protection. It will also identify good practice and lessons learnt for other similar projects. The findings of the evaluation will be shared to relevant stakeholders, especially local policy makers and BftW.
Key questions
The table below identifies the overarching questions anticipated to be addressed by the project evaluation framework. However, the consultant will be expected to work with the project team to review and revise the evaluation questions as appropriate.
Relevance:The extent to which the project is suited to the priorities of the target groups and to the government policies. It is useful to consider the following questions:
Effectiveness: A measure of the extent to which the project achieves its objectives, i.e., a comparison of the intended outcomes/outputs with the observed outcome/outputs. It is useful to consider the following questions:
Efficiency: To investigate whether the resources (financial, human, and materials) have been used efficiently and effectively for the well-being of the target community.
Impact: The evaluation should be concerned with both intended and unintended impacts. It is useful to consider the following questions:
Sustainability: The probability of continued long-term benefits to the target populations after the project has been completed. This might include the resource and capacity of partners or beneficiaries to continue the intervention after the project phased out. It is useful to consider the following questions:
Gender, inclusion and women empowerment: the extent to which the project applied gender and inclusion sensitive approaches and explicitly aimed for results that improve gender equality and women empowerment. Environment protection: How and to what extent has the project contributed towards protection of the environment? |
3. Methodology
The final evaluation of the project will adopt a participatory approach, allowing the participation of all stakeholders and communities in the assessment process. This is to ensure that the opinions of different stakeholders are fully reflected, especially those of the vulnerable groups. The consultant will apply qualitative research methodologies using primary and secondary data sources and data triangulation to increase the validity of evaluation findings.
The evaluation will involve the following stakeholders:
4. Key activities and timeframe of the evaluation:
Activities | Estimated No of days | Timeline
Preparatory work (desk study) Development of and consensus on methodologies, timeframe and report format | 2 |
1st week of November
Detail evaluation design and tools | 1 | |
Working with DWC team at DWC office in Hanoi and travelling to Kim Boi Hoa Binh | 1 |
2nd week of November |
Data collection at the field: district, communes, villages, (in-depth interviews, group discussions, visits to sub-projects, etc.) | 5 | |
Feedback workshop with representative of local people/local authorities/DWC (at Kim Boi district) and travel back to Hanoi | 1 | |
Debriefing at DWC in Hanoi, presentation of main findings | 0.5 | 3rd week of November
Data analysis and report writing (in English) | 4.5 | |
First draft report to DWC |
| 21st November |
Final report to DWC | 1.0 | 28th November |
Total number of working days | 16.0 |
5. Expected Deliverables
The following products (in English) are to be provided to DWC on time in English:
6. Selection criteria / Required skills and competence
The evaluator is expected to be a Vietnam based international/national professional with relevant education and working experience. Following are the required skills and competencies expected from the selected applicant for conducting this evaluation:
Professional experience:
Knowledge and skills:
7. Responsibility of DWC
8. How to Apply:
Interested consultants are requested to send CV and a 3-page proposal including cost estimate (in English) to DWC before October 30, 2022 via all following emails: