VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Consultancy Service for TOT training on Entrepreneurship Skill (EnS) under the project “Support the youth and children response to COVID 19”

The Center of Help for Indigenous value promotion And Sustainable Environment (CHIASE) is a Vietnamese non-government organization. Programs of the Center focus on sustainable improvements in livelihood security and voice of disadvantaged and natural resource-dependent people, especially ethnic minority, who lack access to resources and influence over decisions that affect their lives

CHIASE is now looking for consultancy service to provide a 3 days TOT training course on Entrepreneurship Skill (EnS) for the project’s staffs and its partners. The training includes basic business knowledge and skills such as how to start up a business, and detailed guidance on how to develop a business plan and specific steps for setting up business models with all the necessary forms for running these business models.

For more detailed works please refer to the TOR attached.

If you are interested in the assignment, please send your application (as in the TOR attached) to Ms Le Thi May (Mobile 0948 207 453), email address: [email protected] or [email protected]

Application Deadline: 17:00 November 04, 2022

Organization: CHIASE
Application deadline: 2022-11-04
Send application to: [email protected] ; [email protected]