WWF-Viet Nam: Invitation to Bids – Procurement of 1030 camera traps and compatible memory cards
Project: Saving the Saola from the Brink of Extinction.
Saving the Saola from the Brink of Extinction is an 18 month project funded by the EU via Re:Wild under the Rapid RESCUE Fund. The project will implement urgent conservation interventions to ensure the survival of the species via providing support to (i) emergency search aiming to detect some of the last remaining Saola individuals in the wild using local ecological knowledge and field surveys in priority areas across the Central Annamites Landscape (CAL); (ii) provide direct emergency support to identify and reduce threats to Saola in the priority areas across the Central Annamites region; and (iii) maximize public exposure to Saola and raise awareness about the emergency of these actions to “crowdsource” information on the potential presence of the species across its range.
Under the scope of the Saving the Saola from the Brink of Extinction Project, WWF-Viet Nam is launching an open tender to select a supplier of 1030 Camera Traps and compatible Memory Cards. WWF-Viet Nam would like to invite prospective bidders to submit sealed bids for 1030 sets of Camera Traps to be delivered to Dong Ha City, Quang Tri Province, Viet Nam.
Detailed bidding package information can be found at: https://vietnam.panda.org/en/get_involved/jobs/?uNewsID=376976
Clarification to Bidding Document can be found at this link: https://vietnam.panda.org/en/get_involved/jobs/?uNewsID=377095
The deadline for Bid Submission is on 30 November, 2022 at 17:00 (ICT).
Potential Bidders may request clarifications to the Bidding Document before 14 November 2022 at 17:00 ICT. Requests shall be sent in writing to WWF-Viet Nam to email address: [email protected] indicating clearly the email’s subject: “FY23/0397 request for bid clarification from [name of bidder]”.
Any bid received by the Purchaser after the deadline for submission of bids shall be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Bidder.