VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Consultancy to develop communication products and design community campaign to promote the Saola

WWF-VIET NAM: CALL FOR PROPOSALS – “Consultancy to develop communication products and design community campaign to promote the Saola”

WWF-Viet Nam would like to request proposals from eligible individual consultants, groups of individual consultants, consultancy and research organizations (hereinafter called Consultants) who are interested in developing communication products and design community campaign to promote the Saola.

Detailed information of the package can be found here:


Interested consultants are kindly requested to send their CV, cover letter, previous similar experience and financial proposals in English:

Via email: [email protected], cc email: [email protected] with subject: "FY23-0717 - [name of consultant] - Saola Comm consultancy"

Deadline for submission is 5:00 PM, 8th December 2022, Viet Nam time.

Only short-listed consultants will be contacted.


Organization: WWF
Application deadline: 2022-12-08
Send application to: [email protected] ; [email protected]