VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

WWF-Vietnam: Invitation for applications to roster of consultant experts

WWF-Viet Nam, USAID Biodiversity Conservation Project is looking for consultants with expertise in the following areas:

  1. General biodiversity conservation, wildlife conservation (especially mammals and birds), and natural resource management.
  2. Biodiversity monitoring using camera traps, and other survey methodologies
  3. Biodiversity threats monitoring
  4. Protected Area Management (SUFs and PFs); including monitoring management effectiveness (e.g. METT), and PA management planning
  5. SMART implementation, guideline development,training, development of SMART data models
  6. Forest and wildlife law enforcement including training and monitoring law enforcement patrol effectiveness
  7. Ecotourism and strategy development for Protected Areas
  8. Expertise in laws or sectors related to the inspection, investigation, and handling of wildlife
  9. Sustainable livelihoods for forest-dependent local communities associated with biodiversity conservation
  10. Training and transferring techniques on breeding, planting, harvesting, and processing of medicinal plants
  11. Training expert in ?rst aid training
  12. Training expert in using GIS technology/software in the forest and wildlife sector (MapInfo/QGIS/ArcGIS/Global Mapper/Drone).
  13. Expert in training in communication/consultation/negotiation/con?ict handling for management/community staff
  14. Media and communications related to biodiversity, including communications training
  15. Training expert in legal/ law training for Courts and Procuracy in the ?eld of forestry and environmental protection in general
  16. Environmental Education
  17. Application/software developer: skills related to biodiversity application/spatial data analysis are required.
  18. Sustainable finance for conservation/management of  protected areas
  19. Expert in needs assessment training in wildlife management/ law enforcement/legal
  20. Wetland (RAMSAR) Expert
  21. Experts in training/ technology transfer on mushroom production, Complete mushroom production process, Propagation by humoral medium, Making mushroom snacks.
  22. Expertise in other related ?elds

Detailed information can be found here:




Consultants who meet the requirement and are interested in project activities can register at the following LINK

There is no limit to the number of registered experts and the pool will remain in place for the duration of the Project. The earlier you register the more opportunities you will be shared.


Organization: WWF
Application deadline: 2023-01-31
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